
The U.S Supreme Court Just Dropped 9-0 Ruling on President Biden

The U.S Supreme Court Just Dropped 9-0 Ruling on President Biden

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Disclaimer: The article may include the author's opinions.

Without a doubt, the Biden administration is carrying out extremely bold maneuvers while we are distracted. Almost every department and agency in the federal government is working feverishly to implement his socialist program as quickly as possible. And this extends much beyond simply taxing us to the point of insolvency and spending billions of dollars on various welfare schemes.


Additionally, Democrats want to decide how you should conduct your life in virtually every circumstance. It won’t be long before they start making suggestions about where you should reside or who you should wed! The Environmental Protection Agency under Biden’s leadership attempted to con citizens of the United States who desired to construct a house close to a wetland.


The Biden administration made it illegal for a couple to attempt to construct a house in close proximity to a wetland. The government agency used the Clean Waters Act as the justification for its decision to prohibit anyone from constructing on any body of water; this was the case even if the water in question did not supply Americans with clean water.


The matter was argued before the Supreme Court of the United States. Additionally, the whole court, even the more conservative members, agreed with the American position. The decision overturned a policy of Biden’s that had attempted to use the CWA to regulate what actions Americans may take.


Because wetlands on this couple’s property were located close to a ditch that led into a creek, the Environmental Protection Agency investigated the possibility of fining them $40,000 per day. Are you kidding me? What a twisted interpretation of the law! It would appear that the administration of President Joe Biden wants to prevent any attempt by Americans to use land that they own.

This is not breaking news at all. And this will continue for as long as Joe Biden is serving as the President of the United States. The federal government’s authority is consistently one of the Democratic Party’s top priorities for expansion. In point of fact, it appears that they do not approve of the fact that Americans own their own homes or land.


Numerous recent policies appear to point in that direction. The Democrats must believe that the United States of America does not merit the land that we have fought so hard to save and protect. Nevertheless, they will hand over all of our money and resources to illegal immigrants and other nations throughout the world.


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