
The Latest Polls Have Shocked Donald Trump

The Latest Polls Have Shocked Donald Trump

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Disclaimer: The article may include the author's opinions.

Donald Trump has seen a rise in support ever since Democrats did the unimaginable and indicted a previous president. Since then, Trump has benefited from this development. Even his political opponents are speaking up in his defense. The results of recent surveys conducted by the Republicans indicate that his popularity as a potential contender is increasing.


We are unable to speculate on the outcome of this so-called trial. But we are aware that the plan put up by the left is failing. This indictment has the potential to catapult Donald Trump into the general election and even into the Oval Office if he is successful. But the results of a recent poll shed light on which segment of the American population is the most supportive of Trump. Nobody was expecting this to happen.


Millennials, who make up one of the youngest age groups in the country, are the group that backs Trump the most out of all others. A recent poll conducted by YouGov found that 47 percent of Millennials are supporting the former president. This puts them in a higher position than members of Generation X and the Baby Boomer generation who have long supported Trump.


A look at trends reveals that as people get older, they tend to become more traditional. Millennials, who were completely enamored with Obama just a few years ago, may now be coming to their senses. This group of Americans is coming to terms with the absurdity of socialism as they embark on their adult lives, starting families and working to earn money.


The generation that comes after them, commonly referred to as Generation Z, is still up in the air. According to the results of several polls, their parents are more conservative than Baby Boomers. Nonetheless, individuals of this age are the ones who are the most vocal in their support of socialist plans and the transgender movement.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of political analysts think that in order to win the election for president, the next candidate will require the backing of Millennials arguably more than that of any other generation.


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