Why millennials Love Palestine?

Also, Qatar's U.S. Government Lobbying

Today we’re covering:

  • 🏛 Qatar's U.S. Government Lobbying

  • 🇵🇸 Why the millennials Love Palestine?

  • 🪖 This is Israel's new ground strategy

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🚨 Texas law permits immigration arrests. The Texas House passed a bill authorizing local police to detain immigrants and making illegal immigration a state criminal in addition to a federal one. Governor Greg Abbott and the state Senate have already indicated that they will support it. The proposed legislation would pose the clearest threat to President Joe Biden's authority concerning border security to yet. (New York Times)

🪖 Iran's proxies exact revenge on the United States. Iran-backed militias fired several missiles on Friday, but they missed their target and the US military shot down an assault drone. There followed hours earlier airstrikes by the United States. The United States seeks to use deterrence to prevent escalation in the Middle East, but detractors worry that Iran will continue to attack since its proxy groups are interchangeable. (Breitbart, New York Times)

🗳 Congressman Dean Philips opposes Biden in 2024. Politico analyst Jack Shafer describes the Minnesota lawmaker's announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination as meaningless last week. The earliest messaging from Philips has emphasized the incumbent's age and disfavor. (Politico)

🔎 Suspect in the Maine mass shooting is found dead. Robert Card, who shot and killed eighteen people in Maine last week, seems to have shot himself, according to the body discovered by officials on Friday. Card, an honor-winning Army sergeant, was committed to a mental health facility last summer after making threats to bomb a military installation. Two weeks later, he was freed. (Sun Journal, Fox News)


Qatar's Influence on the Washington DC Foreign Policy Establishment

Here is what’s going on: Qatar faced difficulties in 2017. Its neighbors in the Middle East were so enraged by the emirate's overt support for terrorist organizations, including Hamas, that they completely blockaded it and demanded that it cease providing funding for terrorism. The boycott, which was supported by then-President Donald Trump, who criticized Qatar for sponsoring terrorism, made the country's problems worse.

The solution: When their interests were challenged, Qatari officials resorted to lobbying, just like many others in Washington do. They achieved their goals in a few years.

By 2022: More than other Arab nations combined, Qatari officials had lobbied US officials for over $70 million by 2022 in an attempt to boost their country's reputation. Over those five years, they received the following value for their money:

  • A House bill halted US financing to organizations identified as terrorist sponsors. The Foreign Affairs Committee staff successfully lobbied for the removal of Qatar from the measure.

  • Back In 2018: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pushed Saudi Arabia to restore relations in 2018 as soon as Qatar promised to make significant financial investments in his state. In the same year, prominent aides to former Vice President Mike Pence were the object of intense lobbying by Qatar against the Trump administration. Not long after, Trump commended Qatar for its alleged commitment to stopping the funding of terrorism.

The goal was achieved: A settlement that restored relations and ended Qatar's crisis was mediated by the Trump administration in 2021 between Qatar and the blockading governments.


Why do the millennials Love Palestine?

The children are in distress: The brutal attacks by Hamas earlier this month on defenseless Israelis exposed the extremism of long-festering ideology at prestigious universities.

  • A consortium of student organizations at Harvard released a letter in which they declared that Israel was "entirely responsible for all unfolding violence."

  • "Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life," stated the head of the Student Bar Association at New York University.

  • The words "Glory to our martyrs" were projected on the exterior of the school library by George Washington University students.

  • The Hamas attacks were described as "a historic win for the Palestinian resistance" by Students for Justice in Palestine, an organization with hundreds of branches on college campuses around the US.

The figures: The majority of Americans believe that the United States should support Israel over Hamas. However, compared to their older counterparts, young Americans on college campuses are much less likely to support Israel in this crisis; over half of them believed that the Hamas attacks were legitimate.

How come? The Left and the academic community denounce Israel as a continuation of white Western settler-colonialism; Palestinians are merely another faceless group that suffers from Western imperialism.

  • The Black Lives Matter movement: Left-wing activists frequently claim that Zionism is "racism, settler-colonialism, white supremacy, apartheid" and connect the Palestinian struggle to domestic "liberation" movements in the United States, as demonstrated by Black Lives Matter.

  • The worldview: According to some, Israelis are neither Western nor White. But those are small points to the left. An ideology that sees the world in terms of downtrodden non-white subjects and tyrannical white colonists is certain to be antagonistic toward a nation such as Israel.


A new report on the ground offensive by Israel

Here is what's going on: Over the past few days, Israeli ground operations in the Gaza Strip have increased, indicating that Israel's war with Hamas has entered a "new phase."

The plan: Instead of launching a full-scale invasion, Israel is probably going to encircle Northern Gaza and use siege techniques to starve Hamas of food, fuel, and water for several months or maybe a year.

  • The upside: The positive is that a siege would reduce the anticipated number of IDF losses and prevent the risks of a nearly impossible close-quarters urban battle, for which Hamas has prepared. Additionally, a sizable number of reservists might be allowed to return to civilian life, which would relieve financial pressure.

  • The goal: The objective is to eliminate Hamas's military might and deprive them of political authority. It appears that freeing the over 240 captives is not the top concern.

Civilians: In compliance with Israel's evacuation order, two-thirds of the 1.1 million civilians residing in Northern Gaza have relocated south. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of people live in what will eventually become the besieged area.

  • How come? There are two reasons why some people have not evacuated Northern Gaza. To do so would be to evoke memories of the 1948 First Arab-Israeli War, during which 750,000 Palestinians were forced into exile, or else Hamas has blocked their departure by erecting obstacles and debunking the evacuation orders as “propaganda.”

  • Important: According to a New York Times investigation, Gaza's ruling organization, Hamas, has a sizable supply of food, fuel, and water that it refuses to distribute to its citizens.

Why it’s important: The battles that have broken out since October 7 are just getting started. Though worries for a second front with Lebanon have somewhat abated, it seems Israel will face a challenging, protracted conflict that will also negatively impact Gazan residents.

On media:

  • After failing to secure enough support for the Republican nomination, former vice president Mike Pence announced the cancellation of his presidential candidacy. (New York Times)

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis is assisting with the delivery of firearms, body armor, ammunition, helmets, and medical supplies to Israel. (Associated Press)

  • As the country attempts to assert itself in the Middle East and forge an alliance with the Palestinians, China observes an increase in online antisemitism. (New York Times)

  • Protesters attempted to harm Jews arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, by breaking into an airport in Dagestan, Russia. (Jerusalem Post)

  • According to reports, the United Auto Workers union has extended its strike at General Motors despite reaching provisional agreements with Ford and Stellantis. (Reuters, CNBC)

  • Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) declared that in addition to looking "aggressively" into the Biden family, he will review two other legislation for military assistance to Israel and Ukraine. (Fox News)

  • At a Heritage Foundation event, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis urged backing Israel and reorienting US foreign policy to confront China and Iran. (USA Today)

  • According to National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, the casualty toll provided by Gaza's health ministry—which is under Hamas control—is unreliable. (The Recount via X)

  • At a pro-Palestinian demonstration, Rev. Coronel West carried a sign that featured the antisemitic stereotype of "Zionism" as a snake, a reference to the Soviet era. (Breitbart)

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