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WATCH: Fox News Was Exposed in Disturbing New Report

WATCH: Fox News Was Exposed in Disturbing New Report

The decision to terminate Tucker Carlson, the host with the greatest ratings at Fox News, came as a surprise to the American public. According to the reports, Rupert Murdock did not appreciate Carlson’s propensity to say what was on his mind, particularly when he disobeyed the instructions of the network. However, it appears that the situation at Fox News is considerably more dire than we had originally anticipated.

It is believed by millions of people in the United States to be a conservative news site. However, rather frequently, we come across articles and reports from Fox News that give the impression of supporting the more extreme agenda of the left. Now, a new report demonstrates just how conscious Fox News has been in recent years.

This is a fairly serious problem. That television station, which you may have believed to be the only one offering conservative news coverage, has really become more liberal. And not just a little bit, but very much aware of their surroundings. According to a recent story, Fox News takes great pride in receiving high marks from the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that assigns points to businesses based on the degree to which they support gay and transgender rights.

It would appear that Fox News has a highly positive reputation with this activist group. In addition, the corporation publicly declares its acceptance of transgenderism and requires its employees to do the same. It is acceptable for men to use the restrooms designated for ladies. Employees are required to address customers using the pronouns of their choice.

In addition, the corporation will provide assistance to workers who transition. It’s no surprise that they let Tucker Carlson go because he doesn’t agree with any of that! A segment that aired on Fox not too long ago praised a young person’s transition to the opposite gender after undergoing medical treatment.

The vast majority of their viewers were not anticipating that kind of coverage at all. However, it would appear that the executives who now operate the network adhere to the same political ideology as CNN. Nobody ought to be taken aback by this. The only people who thought Fox News to be conservative were people like Barack Obama.

Despite the numerous obstacles and disturbing claims of anomalies, the network supported Joe Biden’s campaign for the 2020 presidential election. We are now aware that Fox News does not in any way support the traditions and values that are held in the United States.


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