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  • Trump Issues a Fiery Response After Biden’s DOJ Indicted Him

Trump Issues a Fiery Response After Biden’s DOJ Indicted Him

Trump Issues a Fiery Response After Biden’s DOJ Indicted Him

Nearly a year ago, a raid was conducted by Biden’s Department of Justice on Mar-a-Largo, the private club owned by Donald Trump. In spite of the fact that his estate had been cooperating with the National Archives, agents from the FBI invaded it and searched everything from Donald Trump’s office to his wife’s wardrobe. All of this was due to the fact that he refused to throw away a few documents, something that even Joe Biden is guilty of doing.

It is revolting that a sitting president would give permission for his Department of Justice to go after his most significant political opponent. It was specifically, for this reason, the Democrats initiated the impeachment process against Donald Trump in 2019 (despite a lack of evidence to support their assertions). And now, in their fight to gain control of the 2024 Election, the Democrats have reached an all-new low point.

Does anyone with even a fraction of a brain believe that this indictment could possibly be true? Ever since Donald Trump entered politics for the very first time, Democrats have gone out of their way to defame him and hurt his prospects of winning. Throughout his entire presidency, Democratic Party leaders made several attempts to either impeach him or convict him of a crime that they made up. This will not be well received by American citizens. And only minutes after the news broke, Trump responded with his own statement.

Donald Trump lashed out at the Democrats who are responsible for this most recent attack against him. He swore that he was not guilty and accused Joe Biden and those on the left of being responsible for the decline of the United States. He gave his backers a promise that he will fight this charge, just as he has fought every other attack that the Democrats have brought against him.

We were all prepared for this outcome. As soon as Biden’s Department of Justice conducted a search warrant at Trump’s house, we knew there was a conspiracy. Biden can continue to act like a fool all he wants, but this is exactly what Democrats have accused President Trump of trying to do… just on a far more severe scale.

To interfere in the 2018 election, Biden and Democrats are arming themselves with the Department of Justice and the FBI. There is a good chance that none of these charges will be upheld. However, this is the most significant assault in the ongoing attempt by the left to smear Trump. They have been doing this for years in the hope that all of this negative coverage will turn off potential voters.

However, in the long run, all the Democrats are doing is tarnishing their own reputations. They are demonstrating to the nation that they will never stop harassing an innocent man in order to gain power over you, the people of the United States of America.


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