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  • The Teachers Union Just Sent Shockwaves Across America

The Teachers Union Just Sent Shockwaves Across America

The Teachers Union Just Sent Shockwaves Across America

Since the year 2020, Americans have had a clearer understanding of the magnitude of the harm that Democratic teacher unions have caused to our nation’s youth. These ostensibly caring instructors demanded higher pay, so they boycotted returning to their in-person classes.

They didn’t appear to care that pupils were suffering from despair and their test results were going down as a result of the harsh act of forcing them inside their homes. One unscrupulous teachers’ union is taking additional steps to destroy the mental capacity of your children.

Even while they take advantage of and do damage to the education of millions of people, they have the audacity to try to challenge the principles of our nation. Because a teachers’ union in a blue state has just passed a resolution that bashes our entire economic system, and this resolution was just passed.

Have they gotten their words confused with one another? Because I have a strong suspicion that teachers’ unions are the ones taking advantage of children and public schools. The education of children has been held hostage by teachers’ unions for years, in order to secure policies that favor the unions rather than the pupils.

The welfare of instructors is given higher priority than that of students in public schools, both by the administration and the boards of such schools. Do you know who it is that frequently asserts that teachers are underpaid? Can you guess who was the one who invented the fib? The salaries of instructors working in public schools are significantly higher than those working in private schools.

In addition to this, they are mostly protected from being held accountable in any way. A report that was released just this week demonstrated that student performance on standardized tests is deteriorating. Have any of the teachers lost their jobs?

Were any of these dishonest, woke people brought to account for their actions? They do not, due to the fact that they are members of influential unions that intimidate and coerce local school boards.

They now have the nerve to oppose capitalism, despite the fact that it is abundantly evident that they do not comprehend it. If it weren’t for capitalism, none of these idiots would be able to support themselves financially. They have no idea where the money for their wages comes from. From taxes on those who work real jobs at firms.

They would not be able to make use of cities in order to earn money during the summers if capitalism did not exist. This is just another evidence that the public schools that are managed by the government in our country are failing.

Parents have a responsibility to remove their children from schools that do not respect our country and its history, to advocate for school choice, and to place their children in institutions that do so.


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