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  • The Senate Democrats Stand Up And Send the Biden Spinning

The Senate Democrats Stand Up And Send the Biden Spinning

The Senate Democrats Stand Up And Send the Biden Spinning

In his native state of West Virginia, Senator Joe Manchin is having a hard time regaining the support of the people. During the previous year, the centrist Democrat supported Joe Biden’s effort to pass a massive tax and spending bill. If he wants to be re-elected in 2024, he will need to demonstrate to a large number of conservative voters in his own state that he is not just another mindless Biden disciple.

As a result, he gave his support to a significant piece of legislation that puts an end to just one of Biden’s ridiculous plans. You would assume that other Senate Democrats would be incensed if you sided with Republicans to override a motion made by Biden. There are sufficient votes held by those on the left in the Senate to prevent any action taken by Republicans there.

However, not long after Manchin cast this Biden policy into the ashtray, other Democrats followed his lead and did the same. It would appear that a rising number of Democrats in the Senate are in favor of a bill backed by Republicans that would remove the tariff freeze that Biden imposed on solar panels made in China.

During his frantic campaign to get Americans to go green, President Joe Biden made it simpler for China to sell low-quality solar panels to the United States market. The fact that China engages in practices such as forced labor and other breaches of human rights in order to manufacture these “green” products does not even disturb Joe Biden.

And because it freezes tariffs, it guarantees that consumers would pay their money to China’s communist government rather than to businesses that are owned by Americans. Why would Joe Biden do something like that? Because he is more concerned with furthering the climate agenda of the radical left than he is with assisting working Americans.

As soon as Joe Manchin stated that he was in favor of lifting the tariff freeze, other prominent Democrats in the Senate joined him in this view. It is possible that Democrats are now taking a stand against Biden and the extreme agenda he has been pushing. Or, they are concerned about the consequences that could result from Biden’s pro-China policies if he were to win the election.


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