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The SCOTUS Gears Up for 6 Landmark Decisions

The SCOTUS Gears Up for 6 Landmark Decisions

In recent times, we’ve witnessed the Supreme Court racking up huge victories for the United States. A great number of leftist plans have been toppled as a direct result of the conservative majority that Donald Trump has installed on the court. On issues ranging from abortion to gun control, the Supreme Court has been on a mission to dismantle the unconstitutional agenda that Democrats have been pushing.

However, it seems as though they are just getting warmed up. The court’s summer session is about to start in a few days. There have been a great number of cases that have been brought before the supreme court of the land. There are six important cases that, if they go forward, have the potential to drastically alter life in the United States.

And a decision on them is expected to be made within the next two months. Six important issues that have the potential to shake up institutions all around the country, from universities to churches, will be heard and decided by the Supreme Court. A decision regarding universities’ affirmative action practices will be made based on the first round of cases.

Affirmative action has been utilized for many years to give preference to pupils of color while removing exceptional kids of other races from the selection process. It’s possible that the Supreme Court may put a stop to affirmative action, which would reverse fifty years of bigotry.

A complaint brought by LGBT rights organizations against a site designer is also being considered by the court. For reasons related to religious rights, the designer did not do any work for a gay customer. It is possible that the plan of the LGBT cabal to discriminate against religious Americans will be derailed if the court rules in favor of the First Amendment.

The court will also make a decision regarding the immunity of social networks over content, the deportation of illegal aliens by states, the government seizing property from Americans, and the illegal student loan bailout offered by Biden.

If the court finds in favor of the Constitution, then social media platforms will no longer have the authority to censor American citizens, individual states will have the ability to deport illegal aliens, the federal government would be unable to seize your home, and Biden will be held accountable for his decision to cancel student loans.

You can probably already imagine how significant the repercussions of these instances will be. These cases will touch the lives of nearly every person living in the United States in some manner, shape, or form. By the Fourth of July, our nation may be more free or more repressed than it has ever been before.


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