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  • The Red State Just Smashed Liberal Holy Grail with New Law

The Red State Just Smashed Liberal Holy Grail with New Law

The Red State Just Smashed Liberal Holy Grail with New Law

After the decision of the SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade, conservative states have been working quickly to impose new restrictions on abortion. A number of states, including Texas, have passed laws that completely prohibit the practice. Around 15 weeks into a pregnancy, many other countries have implemented bans on the practice.

At the age of six weeks, the practice has been deemed illegal in some places, including Florida. Former President Donald Trump, who is making headlines these days for sounding much more pro-choice than he has in the past, referred to that statute as being too harsh. After the state of South Carolina approved its own abortion ban, what is he going to say at this point?

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned the majority of conservative states are moving to impose new restrictions on abortion. The Democrats are in a state of hysteria because the most sacred of their grails is in the process of being destroyed. Leftists like Joe Biden have been working to identify legal loopholes in order to increase the number of abortions that can be performed on pregnant women. However, they continue to be unsuccessful in legal confrontations.

The heartbeat measure, which makes it illegal to perform an abortion after a fetal heartbeat has been identified, has been approved by lawmakers in South Carolina, making it the most recent state to do so. These kinds of measures have been met with opposition by pro-choice advocates, who argue that “nobody” can determine whether or not a fetus has a heartbeat.

I believe that several decades of research in the field of medicine disprove this ridiculous assumption. It is noteworthy to note that former President Donald Trump has recently criticized heartbeat measures as being unconstitutional. During his time in office, he advocated vigorously for the Supreme Court to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

And he gave his word that he would back the right of states to determine their own abortion regulations. Why, then, does he now oppose steps that have the potential to save the lives of countless people? We’re not sure. We have no choice but to express the hope that further states will follow South Carolina’s example.


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