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  • The Major Democrat City Warns President Biden

The Major Democrat City Warns President Biden

The Major Democrat City Warns President Biden

The decisions that Biden has been making as of late have Democrats feeling irritated. There are a lot of people who no longer want to live in blue states. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, people have been evacuating to red states for a variety of reasons.

Some of these reasons include high crime rates as a result of gun control, overcrowding, and impossible costs of living. This is due to the fact that they do not wish to face the consequences of their own policies on a personal level.

Now, President Biden is about to make a decision that will only make matters more difficult for everyone. Even a Democratic city is attempting, albeit poorly, to mitigate the damage caused by the recent election.

Simply said, this is a band-aid to cover the wound. Taking care of the community does not mean throwing money and resources at illegal immigrants unless you hold the view that illegal immigrants have a higher priority than residents. Democrats have this view. Yes, there should be legal pathways for illegal immigrants to remain in the United States if they want to make a life here.

It is not a free-for-all where anyone may claim asylum in order to enter the country and receive advantages that many people do not even have. The public health order to deport illegal immigrants that was signed by Trump was titled Title 42. But ever since President Biden took office, he has been working to undo everything that President Trump has accomplished.

The decision to let Title 42 expire on May 11 represents more of the same. So the idea is that we should let illegal aliens seek refuge in blue areas, while Democrats should be allowed to seek asylum in red states? Because it is illogical for Democrats to argue that we require increased border security while simultaneously allowing illegal immigrants to continue entering the country.

But as long as they can point the finger of blame at Republicans for anything negative that occurs, it’s all good, right? While hundreds of thousands of other people in the United States are without homes, El Paso is going to ask for even more money to house them. If there isn’t a significant amount of opposition, we can anticipate that residents will feel the impact of the migrant crisis as well as the most recent wave of government spending.


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