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The Blue State’s Top Official Quits in Shame

The Blue State’s Top Official Quits in Shame

These days, everyone is aware of the quality of the officials who were appointed by Democrats. It would appear that Joe Biden is choosing the worst of the worst to fill his cabinet positions. However, the situation isn’t much better in states that are ruled by Democrats.

It would appear like insanity is controlling the asylum, and red states are disintegrating right in front of our eyes. Residents are having their lives made a living hell by Democratic authorities who have cut money for the police, let criminals back into the community, and allowed homelessness to spread unchecked.

However, one Democrat politician, a secretary of state, went beyond the dishonesty of her fellow corrupt party members. And now she is in such a state that she has no choice but to resign in shame.

We have been reporting on local, insignificant politicians who break the rules in order to get rich for a number of years now. This should come as a complete surprise. As a consultant for a cannabis company, Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan was receiving a monthly payment of $10,000 while she held that position.

During the same time period, the state was conducting audits of both the company and the broader industry. We refer to situations like this as having conflicts of interest. The conclusion that Fagan draws from this audit is flawed. Residents will now be concerned that she was unable to fairly and impartially represent their interests because of the enormous amount of money that this firm was giving her.

Many people will believe that she was taking bribes to take a more lenient stance towards this questionable sector. Even though marijuana use for recreational purposes is now legal in Oregon, there are still many detractors and problems. It is not completely out of the realm of possibility to imagine that this firm was bribing one of the most influential people in the state in order to receive preferential treatment.

However, Fagan did not admit to participating in the plot until the local news revealed her. What would have transpired in the event that no one had any idea? It is quite unlikely that she would ever acknowledge what she was doing, which is why she was able to keep her employment. She did not step down from her position at the company until after her secret was exposed.


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