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  • State of California’s Task Force Approves Major Reparations

State of California’s Task Force Approves Major Reparations

State of California’s Task Force Approves Major Reparations

It has been ruled that black citizens of California will be eligible for reparations from the state. What exactly are these things called reparations? Reparations, in the words of Fox News, are “monetary compensation for slavery. However, if the issue at hand was advocating for reparations in the first place, then another issue is the expense of those reparations.

The most money that any one person is eligible to receive is sufficient to make even the poorest person wealthy. You know what I think of when I hear the word reparations, don’t you? Bribery. buying additional votes for the Democratic Party and creating a new type of welfare to keep individuals of African descent dependent on the government.

They want to offer handouts to those who they think are unequal, rather than to those who have a genuine need for financial support, but they have no problem giving handouts to people who they think are unequal. This is an exceedingly arrogant statement, especially when one considers the success that formerly enslaved people have achieved despite the absence of compensation.

They were able to raise healthy children and establish successful companies despite the fact that they were prevented from coexisting in public settings with white people. They established their character the same way that anyone else would: by toiling away for their fortune. They and their ancestors overcame the challenges of slavery and achieved great success in life.

Today, there are a number of businesses and schools that are exclusively reserved for black people. Furthermore, not all black citizens are descended from people who were held as slaves. Some Americans are descendants of immigrants who came to the United States before the institution of slavery and whose ancestors may have even owned slaves during that time.

Bob Woodson, an activist for civil rights, made the point that it is not accurate to say that white people are the oppressor and black people are the oppressed. It is interesting to note that the majority of Americans, especially black Americans, are of the opinion that they do not have any personal responsibility for the actions of their ancestors.

Because it is impossible for them to be victimized in the same way that their ancestors were over a century ago, much less in the same way that other people in their communities have been victimized. I’d argue the qualifications for this kind of payment are completely ridiculous. What about giving people back the money that the government illegally takes from them in the form of taxes and then frivolously spends? If the legal system is flawed long after the institution of slavery has been abolished, then many people, not only black residents, are subject to injustice.


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