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Ron DeSantis Smashed His Florida Streak

Ron DeSantis Smashed His Florida Streak

The continued success of Governor Ron DeSantis’s campaign continues to infuriate Democrats. When he passed a statute protecting children while they were in school, they raised a stink over it. However, while the left continues to complain, they are oblivious to the fact that Florida has maintained its position as the state with the highest quality of higher education for previous years in a row.

Now, the governor of Florida is making additional efforts to safeguard the education of the state’s students. Even more people from the United States will come to the state to attend colleges and universities. Because DeSantis just signed three measures that will send lefty ghouls running for the hills, the phrase is because DeSantis just signed those bills.

The recent signing of these three laws into law by DeSantis will significantly enhance Florida’s already robust system of higher education. The first piece of legislation would prohibit spending money on a progressive initiative known as DEI, which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is a tactic that the left frequently employs in order to impose their worldview on colleges and universities.

The second piece of legislation outlaws the practice of public institutions compelling students, faculty, or employees to take political loyalty tests. Absolutely, anything like that can take place in a school. There are frequently unstated requirements that are imposed by administrations or unions. It is possible to be fired from your work or expelled from school if you step out of line by expressing opposition to a policy advocated by the awakened movement.

The final version of the bill will boost workforce education efforts, which will result in a rise in the number of Floridians who have access to career and technical education. Instead of merely handing out handouts, the state of Florida is allocating money to assist locals in obtaining education and securing employment. Democrats frequently make this assurance to families with modest incomes, but they never follow through with it.

The most assistance that Democrats can provide to low-income families is in the form of food stamps. They don’t appear to care much about the success of Americans, especially if it threatens to challenge their political monopoly. This comes on the heels of the announcement that Florida has been ranked number one in the nation for higher education for the past seven years.

Despite the fact that Florida is frequently the target of hatred and ridicule from leftists, the state continues to attract large numbers of college students. In the meantime, residents of the blue states are leaving because of the increasing criminal activity, high cost of living, and poor educational standards.


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