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  • President Joe Biden’s Pentagon Was Exposed in New Report

President Joe Biden’s Pentagon Was Exposed in New Report

President Joe Biden’s Pentagon Was Exposed in New Report

After Joe Biden was elected president, he wasted no time in stocking the Pentagon with political allies. These individuals were not seasoned combatants who had sworn their lives to the defense of the United States. These were career politicians, slough-dwellers who cared more about their retirement plans than they did about serving their country.

It came as a huge surprise when the highest-ranking officials in our armed forces instantly began prioritizing gender pronouns over our readiness to battle. While Biden is shipping our weapons overseas to Ukraine, the United States Armed Forces are disintegrating. His woke Pentagon has neglected the military, instead opting to hire drag queens to attract new members for the armed forces.

That just blows my mind! I can’t believe that didn’t work! Now, one of the most important branches of the United States Armed Forces is in a complete state of disarray. This is such a pitiful display. This defies all logic and reason. You are aware that something like this would never have occurred under Trump’s administration! The Navy is in disarray as a direct result of Joe Biden’s wakeful leadership at the Pentagon.

Two of the most important aspects that define how efficient the Armed Forces may be are resource readiness and mission capability readiness. A recent report from the GAO shows that the Navy is not ready in either of these areas, despite previous claims to the contrary.

However, despite Secretary of Defense Austin’s efforts to root out white supremacists and enlist drag queens as recruiters, the Navy continues to disintegrate. The report states that our shipyards are falling into disrepair, our employees are overworked and stressed out, and supply chain bottlenecks are preventing them from receiving the resources they need.

This is a particularly unfortunate development when one considers the vital role that our Navy plays in both domestic and international defense. The Navy is the backbone of our armed forces, supporting and protecting all of the other branches. The Navy ensures the safety of the coasts of the United States as well as those of our allies.

In addition, the Navy ensures the safety of all the products that are transported around the world by ship. This news comes at a time when we are hearing an increasing amount about China’s plans regarding Taiwan. Should the worst come to pass, we need a Navy that is at the top of its game to defend our ally. But is this Navy truly capable of competing with China’s?


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