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President Joe Biden Was Humiliated On the World Stage

President Joe Biden Was Humiliated On the World Stage

Even Hillary Clinton has come around to the idea that Joe Biden’s age disqualifies him from running for president. Hill, we’ve been repeating that to each other for the past four years! Biden continues to do and say things that lead us to conclude he is not qualified to hold this post. And not because he is unable to descend the steps on his own.

When Joe is seen on camera, he always gives off the impression of being bewildered and disoriented. Even when teleprompters are present, he is unable to complete a statement. Imagine how poorly he would do while speaking with the leaders of different countries. Recent events saw Joe visit Japan, where he was compelled to engage in conversation with the government of that nation. And the audience picked up on this really embarrassing particular.

Hegseth pointed out how ridiculous it was that the current president of the United States needed to be told that the United States and Japan are now allies. Yikes. During his meeting with Japanese leaders, President Biden was forced to use a cheat card in order to prepare his opening comments. The video provided unequivocal evidence that his assistants handed him a card with the appropriate wording to pronounce.

Quite frequently, we notice that he is provided with cards that include specific instructions on when and where to walk, when and how to speak, and when and how to sit down. It is very evident that Biden’s handlers have complete control over him. He will frequently admit that he is not permitted to answer a question or that he will get in trouble for doing so. Whom exactly? He’s the head of the country!

However, we have seen evidence that shows he is not actually in charge of things. Because of the decline in his mental state, he is unable to even carry on a conversation with the head of the Japanese government. Biden had a hard time winning even with those cheat cards. The Democrats are the only group that refuses to acknowledge this fact.

They can’t admit that Biden is unqualified for the position because doing so would bring their entire plan crashing down. Republicans would demand that Joe be removed from office, and 2024 would be thrown into question. Therefore, Democrats continue to act as if their emperor is naked even if they know better.


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