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President Joe Biden Interview Spins Out of Control

President Joe Biden Interview Spins Out of Control

Everyone who has a functioning brain realizes that Joe Biden is not in good health. We first noticed evidence of his cognitive impairment some months before the election in 2020. Only Democrats, who are desperate to keep the White House for themselves, refuse to recognize that Biden is not qualified to be in a leadership role. And the evidence just keeps piling up with each new day that goes by.

There is a good reason why his handlers restrict who can interact with old Joe. The White House does not want you to be aware of how seriously ill President Biden has become. Recently, he discussed the impending re-election campaign he will be running in an interview. Everything was in control, that is until Joe Biden lost his composure.

Oh no, things have become worse. The interviewer throws a leading question at Biden regarding the soul of the United States of America. Even though he should be paying attention, Biden is distracted by something that looks like a cough drop. We can hear a staff member talking over the reporter, most likely to bring the interview to a close. It is highly possible that Biden is wearing an earpiece that is directing the content of his responses.

Joe struggles mightily to respond to this inquiry but comes up empty. It is difficult for him to even say Trump’s name, and he stumbles through discussions about his presidency. Overall, it was one of the worst performances that we’ve seen from Biden over the course of his career. The human being resembles a vegetable quite closely.

He looks like a gentleman who should be confined to a nursing home. Anyone who believes this man actually has control of the situation is deceiving themselves. He is nothing more than a sock puppet for the far left. The Democrats are choosing to ignore all of the evidence that suggests Joe Biden should be at home rather than in the White House.

But can people in the United States truly put their trust in this man and vote for him again? And is it possible for Congress to continue acting as though everything is fine without invoking the 25th Amendment?


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