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  • President Biden’s Nightmare Scenario Just Happened

President Biden’s Nightmare Scenario Just Happened

President Biden’s Nightmare Scenario Just Happened

In spite of everything that we have witnessed, the leftist media continues to deny that the border is in complete disarray. They simply repeat Joe Biden’s assertions that there is nothing to be concerned about. However, officials in border towns have maintained for a considerable amount of time that drug cartels, and not the United States government, are in control of the border.

The states around our borders are being inundated by the never-ending stream of migrants entering our country. Biden is unwilling to uphold the law and deport those who are in the country illegally. In point of fact, Biden is encouraging more people to break the law by rewarding those who already do so. And now, the absolute worst thing that could have transpired has in fact taken place.

A man who was on the FBI’s terror watchlist managed to sneak into the United States when he was mixing with illegal immigrants. This outcome was predicted by a significant number of detractors of Biden’s border plan. One man, in particular, was so dumb as to let the authorities take his fingerprints. They send one man in advance in order to assess the situation and ensure everyone’s safety.

Other agents will now be aware that they should avoid using that port and should not surrender to authorities. Others on the FBI’s list will discover alternative ways to enter the nation without being discovered. Because President Biden refuses to police our nation’s border rules, how many potentially harmful individuals are able to enter the country each day?

Do you know what factors prevent potentially harmful individuals from entering our country? A wall along the border! Not to mention a Border Patrol that has the authority to apprehend and remove aliens from the country.

Because of Biden, the Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland Security are acting as doormen for illegal aliens. They are allowed to walk right in, undergo processing, and are then allowed to enter our nation. Biden is going out of his way to make sure that millions of people who we know nothing about are welcomed into the country.


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