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President Biden Loses Voters As 2024 Reelection Approcheses

President Biden Loses Voters As 2024 Reelection Approcheses

Joe Biden is losing support from a significant portion of the electorate, which will make it more challenging for him to win reelection in 2020. Biden is losing support among Hispanic voters for what appears to be a variety of reasons.

Biden’s reelection campaign website reportedly went live last week, complete with Dark Brandon merchandise, a new campaign film, and a Spanish-language version of their landing page, as reported by POLITICO. Biden is the only presidential contender with a translation available at this time.

During her time as digital organizing director for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Jess Morales Rocketto, now chief of Moonshot Strategies at Equis Research, stressed the need for language outreach. According to the story, she credited Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign as an inspiration for her own use of Spanish language strategies.

Meanwhile, Republicans are working hard to highlight potential differences between Biden and the Latino vote. To reach this voting bloc, they’re using aggressive media strategies and accusing Democrats of failing to understand what really matters to them.

Even though President Biden’s administration has been in office for less than a week, recent surveys show that a slim majority of Hispanic registered voters have a negative image of him. His average favorability rating among Hispanic voters in the last three relevant Quinnipiac surveys has hovered around 35%, which is on par with his rating among white voters in the same polling sample (36%).

Two pollsters told Fox News anchor Sean Hannity in advance of the 2022 elections that they had never seen as many people of color join the Republican Party.


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