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President Biden Brutally Mocked Over New Crisis

President Biden Brutally Mocked Over New Crisis

Critics are notorious for bringing up the uncomfortable fact that the most influential officials in Washington are well into their golden years whenever they have the chance. The majority of senior senators, congressmen, and even White House staffers are well into their senior years. Despite this, they are making important judgments on matters that only a minority of Americans really understand.

I’m curious to know, does your grandpa have any idea what an NFT is? Do you want him to pass laws based on their influence? In recent days, Washington has been grappling with a significant problem. In the event that nothing is done, it may result in the loss of millions of jobs, the collapse of hundreds of industries, or something even worse.

Congress is aware that it must establish significant regulations in order to effectively control this developing technology. However, politicians are acknowledging that we have the worst possible person in the White House to deal with this situation. God help us if Joe Biden or Kamala Harris monitors AI regulation! In case you were unaware, artificial intelligence has the capability of profoundly altering life as we know it.

In an instant, it has the potential to eliminate millions of jobs. Not to mention that it can be utilized by hostile actors to tamper with video, audio, and any other data. In order for the United States to make it through the next ten years, our legislators need to establish strong AI regulations so that we can be sure that this technology will not destroy us. However, Joe Biden is unable to climb a flight of steps due to his advanced age. How in the heck is he going to comprehend and adequately support the regulation of AI technology?

If Kamala Harris is involved in any way in this process, it will be even more problematic. She has made it very plain to the nation that she does not possess the qualifications necessary to perform her position. Most of the time, she comes out as a preschooler who is unable to comprehend fundamental concepts in either mathematics or science.

The last thing we need is for her to make choices concerning a technology that has the potential to result in the extinction of the human race. We cannot put off taking action to improve the situation until either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis is elected president. Regulation of AI was urgently required yesterday. Already, the artificial intelligence that we have might be too powerful to prevent a disaster. And the longer we wait, the higher the stakes will become for all of us.


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