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  • Newt Gingrich Just Dropped the Boom on President Biden

Newt Gingrich Just Dropped the Boom on President Biden

Newt Gingrich Just Dropped the Boom on President Biden

Every day that passes brings us that much closer to a full-blown economic emergency. Indeed, Biden has a knack for getting those discussions going. But if Biden would make the effort to collaborate with Republican members of the House, this one might have been easily averted. Biden, on the other hand, has repeatedly turned down the opportunity to negotiate an increase in the debt ceiling. And it’s possible that the country will stop making payments within the next few days.

A package that increases the limit while simultaneously cutting expenditure has already been approved by Republicans in the House. On the other hand, it is quite improbable that President Biden will consent to sign this bill into law. The longer he waits, the more danger there is for the United States of America. And now, Newt Gingrich is making a prognostication about what will become of old Joe in the event that he is unable to reach an agreement.

Gingrich asserts the blame for a default on the nation’s debt will fall on Biden in the event that it occurs. He refers to this situation as the Biden default. Newt is of the opinion that if this occurs, it will bring an end to Joe Biden’s re-election bid in 2024. That is to say, voters will not forgive Joe for allowing us to go into default on our obligations, and they will not vote for him.

At this time, President Biden and his fellow Democrats are attempting to place blame for this threat on Republicans. The Republicans, on the other hand, have already enacted a law that will fix this issue. It is Joe who is being stubborn and unwilling to make even the slightest concession.

During his time in the Senate, didn’t Joe get a reputation for being an excellent negotiator? During his time as Obama’s president, wasn’t he involved in the negotiation of several deals? But now, when we are in the midst of a major emergency, Biden is refusing to negotiate a solution.

In his perspective, there is only one correct solution, and that is his way. Biden is adamant that there will be no reductions made to the spending plan he has proposed, despite the fact that this spending plan is the primary cause of the current predicament. Biden is pushing for spending that is extreme and socialist, and it appears that he does not care whether this harms our country.


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