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  • Manchin Shuts Down 2 of President Biden’s Holy Grails

Manchin Shuts Down 2 of President Biden’s Holy Grails

Manchin Shuts Down 2 of President Biden’s Holy Grails

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has been a reliable supporter of the Republican Party for a very long time. He was instrumental in preventing Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats from forcing extreme legislation through the Senate.

But when it came down to the wire, he took the position of the left and voted for a massive spending bill that will result in higher taxes for American citizens. However, he will be running for reelection in the year 2024. And if he sides with Biden, he will lose his seat in Republican-dominated West Virginia.

Now, however, Manchin is giving Biden and his far-left socialist ideology the boot by turning the tables on them. And the moderate politician has just dealt a blow to Biden’s most cherished hobby horse.

It would appear that Biden is preparing to go to war with the United States. He is advocating for harsh climate measures, which are destroying our nation and giving over our wealth to the communist government in China.

However, Senator Manchin used his tie-breaking vote in favor of Republican legislation that aims to derail two of President Biden’s schemes. The first bill would do away with some stringent EPA regulations that apply to trucks. The tractor-trailer industry is the engine that drives our economy. Without them, nobody would be transported from one part of the country to another.

Nevertheless, Biden thought it would be a good idea to cripple the shipping industry by imposing radical new emission standards that have the potential to put truck drivers out of business. The second bill that Manchin supported reinstated duties on the importation of solar panel products. Biden is making a concerted effort to advance a green agenda.

Because of his campaign against fossil fuels, the United States will run out of energy unless we spend trillions of dollars on solar and wind power, both of which have shown to be significantly less reliable than oil.

And, as luck would have it, China is the leading producer of solar panels in the world thanks to its numerous sweatshops and use of forced labor. As a gesture of goodwill toward his friends in China, President Biden lifted tariffs, increasing the likelihood that Americans will purchase panels made in China rather than those made in the United States.

Whose camp does Joe Biden belong to? Obviously, not that of the United States. The agenda that Joe is pushing can be derailed by Manchin’s votes. Biden’s radical proposals can be derailed by the senator, who can also drive Biden to reach a deal with the Republicans.


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