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Joe Biden Was Blitzed By 1 Terrible Report

Joe Biden Was Blitzed By 1 Terrible Report

Joe Biden made the announcement that he will be running for re-election, stating that he needed another term to finish the job. Which aspect of the American economy is wreaking havoc on employment opportunities? No, we cannot allow illegal immigrants to take the jobs of American workers! Perhaps the task of making our nation bankrupt by giving billions of dollars to corrupt leaders in other countries.

Possibly the task of eliminating our reliance on fossil fuels and replacing them with green technology manufactured in China. Biden is confident that he will win the election, regardless of the outcome, on the assumption that the Republicans will choose Donald Trump as their nominee. And if Biden won against Trump in 2020, it stands to reason that he will win again in 2024.

To be honest, we have no way of knowing who the Republican nominee will be. However, we are aware that Biden is by no means a lock to win the election. In point of fact, the most recent polling results on Joe’s presidency are the most dismal we’ve ever seen.

This is in a very poor state. Joe Biden is falling short on virtually every significant challenge that the United States is currently facing. A recent poll conducted by the Associated Press found that only 33 percent of Americans believe he is doing a good job handling the nation’s economic situation. Only 24 percent of Americans believe that President Joe Biden is doing a good job managing the economy.

This is due to the fact that Joe Biden is such a poor economic manager that even a ferret infected with rabies could do a better job. The former centrist Democrat has advocated for a socialist approach in the vein of Bernie Sanders. He has wasted American taxpayer cash, which has only served to increase inflation and the burden of taxation on American workers and businesses.

How many sitting presidents could ever believe he has even a remote possibility of being re-elected in the face of numbers like those is beyond me. Only those registered as Democrats have the mental capacity to keep supporting Joe, and even among them, he is losing support.

If Joe Biden was smart enough to dismiss all of his staff and hire Republicans to come up with his program, then maybe he’d have a shot at the presidency. But I seriously doubt it. On the other hand, Joe isn’t exactly known for his intelligence. He is just an old puppet that does whatever Bernie Sanders and China tell him to do. He is just a pathetic figure.


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