Hollywood Was Shocked by Karma

Hollywood Was Shocked by Karma

Americans who lean toward the conservative political ideology have long been aware that Hollywood is not on their side. The entertainment industry, however, went completely insane once Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Since then, programming that is anti-Trump, anti-Republican, and pro-leftist has been spread throughout all mediums, including movies, television shows, streaming series, and talk shows.

But it appears as though their mistakes have finally caught up with them. Hollywood has been in decline ever since it went woke. In recent years, even Disney has incurred a loss of more than one billion dollars. But now there has been a new development that is having a disproportionately negative impact on one group.

Late-night talk shows have spent the better part of the last six years and more driving a wedge between themselves and conservative Americans. Now, even their own sector of the economy has turned against them. Once again, the wealthy, self-satisfied, and politically correct authors in Hollywood are bringing an entire industry to a halt. They did it once previously, in 2007, and it was successful.

The production of movies and television shows came to a halt as a result of the strike, which also brought the economy of California dangerously close to collapse. It is even believed by some analysts to have contributed to the beginning of the recession in 2008.

However, late-night talk shows are the ones that will be impacted the most by this change. It is necessary for these shows to produce fresh episodes on a daily basis. In addition, the opening monologues of these shows focus a lot on current affairs.

Since 2016, these shows have made it a habit to criticize Donald Trump and other conservatives in the United States. In point of fact, Stephen Colbert has adopted a Marxist worldview and extols the virtues of socialism at every opportunity.

However, after insulting millions of people in the United States on a nightly basis, they are out of options. They are unable to put on their concerts since they do not have their writers. They will either have to resort to airing reruns or be compelled to make shows without any comedic content.

The post Hollywood Was Shocked by Karma first appeared on News Artificial.

The post Hollywood Was Shocked by Karma appeared first on News Artificial.


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