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Governor Ron DeSantis Makes a Secret Primary Move

Governor Ron DeSantis Makes a Secret Primary Move

The Republican primaries have just begun. We are still in the early stages. Several candidates have already made their candidacy public. On the other hand, we are only starting to see how this thing will get started. Rallies, debates, and a variety of other events are scheduled to take place as the summer heats up. In addition, the electorate will have the opportunity to choose the candidates who will compete in the general election.

A lot of people are curious about whether or not there is a candidate who can compete with Donald Trump. Even though he is now ahead in the polls, some people are concerned that Joe Biden will beat him for a second time. All eyes are on Governor Ron DeSantis, who is someone Trump has a tremendous deal of respect for but also fears.

And just now, Ron made a move that is going to cause a permanent shakeup in the election. Reports indicate that DeSantis will make the announcement of his candidacy far sooner than other candidates have done. In addition to that, he has sent anonymous invitations to an event that will take place this week among his fans.

Many people believe that today will be the moment when DeSantis launches his candidacy and eventually establishes himself as Trump’s official opponent. Trump has been devoting a significant amount of time and energy to bashing his former ally. The outrageous allegations that President Trump has made against Representative-elect Ron DeSantis, most of which appear to be untrue, have alienated a good number of Republicans.

Trump has alternately acknowledged and downplayed the success that DeSantis has had in his campaign. It would appear that Trump is aware that DeSantis is the only Republican candidate who has a chance of defeating him in the primary. Even if current polling data suggests that Trump is in the lead, a significant amount of momentum could shift in DeSantis’ favor once he begins aggressively campaigning for the presidency.

In order to avoid being attacked by DeSantis and others during the Republican primary debates, Trump is considering skipping them altogether. It is not known whether or not Trump would take such a risk, but he may do so if he believes he is not in danger. Once DeSantis enters the race, it will be impossible for us to forecast what will happen. However, one thing is certain: the current state of affairs is set to shift.


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