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Gov. Gavin Newsom Proposes Shock 28th Amendment

The battle to maintain race-based admissions

Gov. Gavin Newsom Proposes Shock 28th Amendment

According to the liberal and Democratic governor of California, Gavin Newsom, the moment has come to remodel the Constitution, and he is pushing legislation to begin the ball rolling across the country in this regard. This lefty with a big tongue is out to take away your liberties and asserts that his proposal will result in a more perfect union.

And if President Joe Biden suffers any setbacks during this election season, it’s possible that this anti-American gun grabber will end up approving the proposal from the White House. This smirking member of the Marxist goon squad is even slimier than his greasy haircut. The purpose of the Second Amendment, which was adopted by the founding fathers in order to defend the general populace, would be hampered by the adoption of such an amendment.

When it comes to Newsom’s proposal, the devil is in the details. His proposed amendment contains but does not explicitly mention, authorization for local, state, and national governments to make laws that easily strip away the right to keep and bear arms. Gavin, like the vast majority of those who advocate for more restrictive gun laws in today’s society, is dissatisfied with the recent decisions made by the federal courts, which have resulted in a string of victories to safeguard the rights of gun owners.

A New York statute that had been in effect for over a century and made it difficult to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm was overturned by the Supreme Court in a landmark decision in December of last year. Those who advocate for more restrictive gun laws are currently losing.

By engaging in this obviously staged media stunt, Newsom is trying to generate momentum in his campaign to oust Biden from the national arena. He is doing this by thumping his chest against gun crimes. The procedure that must be followed in order to change our country’s supreme legal authority is not compatible with his blowhard activist strategies.

Without the support of an overwhelming majority of state legislatures and congressional delegations, his proposal will not be able to pass via any of the legal loopholes that exist to change the Constitution. And the public battle to thwart Newsom’s political ambition to restrict access to firearms has already begun.

Those who support the Second Amendment are aware that Newsom’s screaming and raving is nothing more than an attempt to divert attention from his many shortcomings. National Rifle Association claims that under Newsom’s leadership, California has become a “beacon for violence” due to his support of policies that reward offenders while punishing law-abiding citizens.

At this point, Newsom is nothing more than a would-be presidential candidate; therefore, it is only logical to oppose the activist acts he takes. People in the United States who believe the Constitution should be upheld don’t want this nut job anywhere near the White House.


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