Gov DeSantis Shakes Up the 2024 Race

Gov DeSantis Shakes Up the 2024 Race

Donald Trump is now in the lead for the Republican nomination for president in 2024. He is so sure that he will win the race that he is considering not participating in the Republican debates even if it appears that he is in the lead.

The truth is that he is benefiting from the publicity that the Democrats’ decision to arrest him in New York City has brought him. According to the assertions of a great number of authorities, this is the reason why Democrats began their campaign against him.

However, there is still a significant amount of time until the primaries. And literally, anything may take place. It should come as no surprise that Trump has a significant amount of fear regarding one individual. This erstwhile ally has been subjected to frequent criticism from him, but the man in question has refused to stoop to his level in order to respond.

It’s possible that this Republican may make an announcement any day now that will send Trump scrambling for cover. And at this point, we are pretty near to some very significant news. In just a few days, the most successful governor in the history of the United States might declare his intention to run for president.

There are rumors circulating that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will reveal his plans for 2024 in the month of May. Some reports place the date as early as May 11. Others are encouraging him to act even sooner than they had planned.

It would appear that DeSantis is the one opponent that Trump is most concerned about facing. Trump asserts that he was instrumental in DeSantis’s election victory in 2018. Trump, on the other hand, has hardly been noticeable during DeSantis’ historic reign. He contributed to Florida’s success even in the face of COVID and beyond.

DeSantis was re-elected with an overwhelming majority in 2022, despite the fact that a catastrophic hurricane struck just days before the election. Even without an endorsement from Trump, he won the election by a staggering one million votes more than his Democratic opponent.

Trump has minimized the accomplishments of DeSantis, even aligning himself with organizations on the far left in an effort to smear Florida. These are the same underhanded strategies he employed in 2016 to disparage other candidates running in the Republican primary.

However, there is a significant possibility that Trump will not enjoy the same level of success as he has in the past. In the event that DeSantis enters the race, there is no room for error. The competition in the Republican primary will reach an unusually high level.

This presidential candidate will be the target of Trump’s smear campaign, which will deploy every dirty tactic in the book. And DeSantis will need to adopt a very hard line if he wants to break through the barrier of diehard Trump fans all around the country.


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