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  • George Soros’s Prosecutor Has Exposed in Shock Report

George Soros’s Prosecutor Has Exposed in Shock Report

George Soros’s Prosecutor Has Exposed in Shock Report

There is a rationale behind why Elon Musk referred to George Soros, a wealthy Democrat contributor, as Magneto. The man has used his fortune to help far-left politicians across the United States of America be elected to high positions of authority. Over the past few years, Soros has been instrumental in the election of socialist prosecutors at the municipal, state, and federal levels.

Some of these prosecutors, who were supported financially by Soros, did away with cash bail, released violent offenders, and ceased prosecuting a variety of crimes. One of them, however, hailing from the state of Massachusetts, took things to an entirely new level, in terms of abusing her position of authority.

Now that everything is coming out, she is being forced to face the consequences. Rachel Rollins was accused of many infractions concerning the use of her influence to sway local elections, as detailed in a long report compiled by the Inspector General. It is against the rules for United States Attorneys to take part in political campaigns.

In point of fact, government personnel from any agency are forbidden from using their positions to advance political agendas, despite the fact that this occurs frequently. She also fell far short of the professionalism and judgment the Department should expect of any employee, let alone the U.S. Attorney, according to the office’s assessment. Dang. It’s possible that her actions, which involved using government power to influence politics, were in violation of the Hatch Act.

According to the investigation, her actions constituted egregious transgressions. Even many who had previously supported her, such as the progressive senator Elizabeth Warren, have called for her to resign. You should be aware that if a Democrat is definitely shown to have engaged in corrupt behavior, the other Democrats immediately turn on them.

Put yourself forward as the scapegoat to save the rest of the group from being blamed. It would appear that this is the situation with Rollins. If it can be proven that she broke the law and is being pressured to leave as a result, why can’t the same be said of the other prosecutors who receive funding from George Soros? The vast majority of them, if not all of them, have refused to enforce the law, which has led to large cities deteriorating into veritable hellholes.


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