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Donald Trump Sends President Biden Reeling

Donald Trump Sends President Biden Reeling

The election for the year 2024 will take place very soon. Already, millions of people in the United States have decided which candidate they will support in the upcoming election. The Republican primary is rapidly picking up steam.

However, a number of Democrats have already declared their intention to run for the leadership position. In the end, Joe Biden was the one who kept delaying the announcement of his plans by several months.

Joe Biden chose not to immediately declare his candidacy for president in 2024. On the other hand, when he did it, it wasn’t that exciting. There was a hastily planned function at the White House, according to the reports. No more rallies.

There was no enthusiasm caused by the cheering fans. In point of fact, Fox News brought attention to the fact that fifty percent of Joe’s 2020 voters do not want him to run again.

And there’s more terrible news for Biden to deal with. The truth was revealed within seconds after he made the announcement that he would be running for office.

In the immediate aftermath of Joe Biden’s announcement that he would be running for reelection, Donald Trump tore at Biden’s record. Trump outlined the most compelling arguments for why people should not support Biden for reelection. And some of them were true head-scratchers.

Since the first day of his presidency, Biden has been a proponent of extreme and socialist expenditures. The worst inflation in forty years is wreaking havoc on the lives of Americans. As more countries switch to using the Chinese currency, the US dollar is no longer even considered the global standard.

Trump emphasized that real wages have been decreasing for the past two years, which has resulted in a pay cut for workers. Trump made sure to stress Biden’s purposeful failure to enforce our nation’s border security, as expected. He brought up Afghanistan, which is one of the worst examples of American foreign policy in the history of the country. And Trump was very critical of Biden’s performance with regard to Russia and China.


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