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Biden is Stopped in His Tracks by Republican Leader

Biden is Stopped in His Tracks by Republican Leader

Joe Biden is bringing the United States of America to the verge of calamity. During his leadership, the nation is currently at risk of exceeding its debt ceiling for the second time. In a couple of weeks, a catastrophic event could occur on the economic scene if the ceiling is not increased. However, corrupt Joe won’t cooperate with Republicans on a bill that has the potential to save the country.

The Democrats’ ultimate goal is to force through a package at the eleventh hour that will raise the debt ceiling without requiring any cuts in spending. I suppose they believe they will be able to spend any amount of our money they choose without facing any kind of repercussions.

But Senator Mike Lee just delivered the unfavorable news to Joe Biden. According to Senator Mike Lee, Senate Republicans have the ability to block a bill that is supported by Democrats that would raise the limit on the nation’s debt. The clean bill needs at least 60 votes in order to be successful. And Lee is claiming that the Democrats won’t be able to receive that many votes in the election.

That their effort to raise the ceiling without making budget cutbacks has already failed and is now considered dead. Sen. Lee is certain that no Republican will betray the party in order to bestow this gift on Joe. If President Biden wants to raise the limit on the nation’s debt, all he needs to do is negotiate with the Republican Party. A man who was praised in the past for his ability to negotiate is unmovable, however, and for some reason.

Is it because President Biden is too poor in health to strike a deal? Or is it because he blindly follows the radical left’s every command, regardless of the consequences? No matter who you ask, a default by the United States of America is not going to happen.

It would be catastrophic for the United States as well as a great number of other countries all over the planet. However, because Biden is so intent on carrying out his socialist goal, he is hesitant to take any action that could be of use to the American people.


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