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  • Bernie Sanders Just Made a Serious Socialist Pledge

Bernie Sanders Just Made a Serious Socialist Pledge

Bernie Sanders Just Made a Serious Socialist Pledge

In days gone by, Joe Biden was considered to be a moderate Democrat. That meant he would work with Republicans to find a solution that benefited the country as a whole. He was well-known for his skill at negotiating in the Senate and striking arrangements that allowed laws to be passed.

The individual has completely converted to socialism. He has made it clear that he is not willing to cooperate with Republicans on any matter. He shares more in common with a certain senator, and this senator appears to have a greater impact on Biden than any other individual.

And this Communist from the far left has just advocated for an action that will make the American people sick to their stomachs. Bernie Sanders, a radical socialist, advocated for the government to confiscate the wealth of private Americans whose fortunes exceeded one billion dollars.

Sanders proposes that the government should select who should be considered wealthy and who should not. It would appear that he is of the opinion that our dishonest and inept government is more capable of making good use of that money than a person who has labored very hard to obtain it.

Who would have control over the distribution of those billions of dollars if the government did in fact seize the money from the billionaires? Oh–Bernie Sanders! It is not the intention of this to assist the bottom half of the country.

This is about one dishonest and greedy man who is bitter because others, like Elon Musk, are contributing more to the welfare of the United States than he is.

The idea that all of this money will go to aid people in need is the premise on which Senator Sanders bases his attempt to sell this load of rubbish. However, we already have a welfare system that wastes billions of dollars in an effort to help families with low incomes.

Take a look at the people who rely on food stamps or receive assistance from the government. Do you think that they are in a better situation now? Of course, not. These socialist government subsidies serve to do nothing more than encourage people to live below the federal poverty threshold. In addition to that, the majority of the money that is obtained through taxes is frittered away by the federal government.


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