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An Insider Report Just Pulled Back Curtain on IRS Plan

An Insider Report Just Pulled Back Curtain on IRS Plan

In spite of its misleading name, Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act did very nothing to curb price increases. In point of fact, it was a guise for some of the worst examples of socialism that the United States has ever witnessed. A notorious provision of the statute required the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to recruit and train 87,000 new agents over the course of the following decade.

It would appear that the Internal Revenue Service is preparing to take significant action against working Americans. But the situation is even more dire. We recently found out that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is looking to hire employees who are able to carry firearms and use deadly force.

Really? Why do tax collectors need guns? Isn’t it terrible enough that they plunder American citizens on an annual basis? However, we just found out that they have been stockpiling weapons for a very long period in preparation for something. According to a recent study, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has spent approximately $10 million on firearms, including rifles, handguns, ballistic shields, and body armor vests.

Not to mention the necessary illumination and tactical equipment. Are people who count beans really going to need to carry around all of that heavy equipment? The left asserts that this is solely for IRS officers who go after organized crime and drug traffickers and that no one else is affected by this.

Do we not have FBI agents who deal with such matters? Do we really need an agent from the Internal Revenue Service to be going around with the FBI when they conduct a raid to take down a drug lord? Is it really the first priority to determine how much money a kingpin owes the Internal Revenue Service? My opinion is that putting an end to all of the shootings and drug dealing is more crucial.

Or is there possibly more to this than just preventing gang activity? Could this be the IRS’s latest attempt to coerce and intimidate people who live their lives in accordance with the law? In order to fund his socialist program, Joe Biden must extort money from each and every working person in the United States. The fact that Americans are forced to hand up such a significant sum of money each year to a system that is both greedy and indifferent is not popular among them.


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