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Alan Dershowitz Sounds Off On Donald Trump Charges

Alan Dershowitz Sounds Off On Donald Trump Charges

Attack, attack, and attack more. This is the benchmark by which any siege that is intended to destroy one’s adversary is measured. And this is the strategy that leftists will use until they succeed in destroying the 45th president of the United States of America. The crimes committed by liberal politicians have, for a number of years, been treated with contempt by mainstream media outlets and completely disregarded by the legal system.

But even the slightest possibility that conservatives have committed a crime is met with savage criticism as if this were the next sacred battle that must be won to redeem humanity. Former President Donald Trump is still engaged in a war against the onslaught of leftist attacks intended to eliminate him. As the investigations against Trump’s administration continue, the prominent legal expert Alan Dershowitz has issued a grave warning.

Trump is in a spot of bother because he refuses to submit and remains defiant in the face of left-leaning prosecutors’ assaults. He responds in a rebellious and angry manner throughout the full spectrum of the contemporary public sphere’s available mediums. Dershowitz makes it abundantly obvious that any citizen of the United States has the right, as guaranteed by the Constitution, to go through the legal proceedings required of them and defend themselves against any allegations.

The Department of Justice under President Joe Biden is leading the charge in the effort to have Donald Trump arrested. The federal court system in the United States today is rife with prospectors who are partisan, anti-Constitutional, and hateful against conservatives. These prospectors feel it is their divine destiny to eradicate all those who oppose liberal views or the corrupt federal system of government.

Trump is in the best position to strike back since he has more reputation and celebrity influence than anyone else. The pending criminal cases against him in both state and federal courts as well as the criminal charges themselves are significant. These cases should not be written off as political attacks that will disappear along with yesterday’s news. No one should do that.

This assault on Trump is happening in real life, and it is imperative that Americans take note. If the court system is capable of convicting and imprisoning a former president, how near is the common citizen of the United States to the treason and death trials that occur in Iran? In the United States, it should never be illegal to defend one’s rights as outlined in the Constitution.


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