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A Surprising 2024 Report Makes America Stunned

A Surprising 2024 Report Makes America Stunned

Former President Donald Trump and Current President Joe Biden appear to be the clear frontrunners for the presidential election in 2024 however, Republican contender Ron DeSantis is mixing things up a bit by entering the race. There is a rumbling undercurrent, though, even though the majorities remain clear for the time being; a recent poll reveals that a large percentage of the population wants a different face.

In point of fact, if the race comes down to Trump versus Biden 2.0, half the country might choose a different candidate. Even while other potential candidates have not yet made their debut on the national stage, particularly on the Democratic side, most people believe that if the presidential election were to take place this year, it would be a replay of the contest that will take place in 2020.

And while both guys have millions of fans, an even larger number of people would rather not see a rematch between the two of them. It is highly unusual, and maybe even unprecedented, for more than half of voters to say they would consider voting for a candidate from a third party. However, there is little question that the majority of Americans have lost faith in the country’s two major political parties.

It would appear that a significant number of Republican and Democratic supporters are unhappy with the way things are currently going in their respective parties. Over ten percent of respondents indicated they would vote for Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, while over twenty percent said they would consider voting for Senator Bernie Sanders, despite the fact that Sanders has already stated he will not be running for president.

The survey also revealed that more than half of respondents disapprove of Biden’s performance in his job either somewhat or very strongly. Then there is the matter of who would serve as Trump’s running mate in the event that he is selected as the Republican nominee: It may come as a surprise to some that Trump’s former President, Mike Pence, received the most votes overall 15.26%, but he was closely followed by current contenders Sen. Tim Scott 13.08% and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley 11.58%.

But perhaps the most significant finding is that more than 70 percent of those interviewed believe the United States is headed in the wrong direction, while only 18 percent believe it is headed in the right direction. This excessive pessimism could result in a seismic shift in 2024, particularly if the country is forced to endure a rematch of the 2020 election, which a large number of people simply do not want to see.


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