Trump's NY Trial at Risk of Jury Bias

Also, Biden Considers Legalizing Migrant Spouses

☕️ Today we’re covering:

  • 📝 Biden Considers Legalizing Migrant Spouses.

  • 🧑‍⚖️ Trump's NY Trial at Risk of Jury Bias.

  • 🎤 Yesterday’s Poll Results

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Do you support sending $60 billion in Aid to Ukraine?

🟩🟩🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ YES 👍 (12.12%)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 NO 👎 (81.82%)

🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ UNSURE 🤔 (6.06%)

Our voters’ opinions

👍 Yes: “We signed a defense treaty with them called the Budapest Memorandum: READ IT! Our allies are watching to see if America keeps her word...Putin is NOT a "nice man" (Ask Navalny's widow) ” —Anonymous

👎 No: “The money to Ukraine goes to the World Economic Forum. The WEF then uses that money to pay off politicians world wide to vote and propose new legislation that speeds up the new world order. The agenda 2030. The world has become very corrupt. View a walk through kiev and see for yourself where your money is going..” —Anonymous

👎 No: “Not without an accurate accounting and oversite” —Gayle

👎 No: “It's another Afghanistan. Trillions of dollars! Unless this administration finds a backbone with Putin. Trump will!” —Donna

👎 No: “We are funding the majority of this and we all know there are major kickbacks and embezzlement by Ukrainian officials. ” —Charles

👎 No: “We need the funds to secure our borders first. This is my ss money they are using. I better have enough until I die!!” —Becky

👎 No: “H.R. 6023 Veterans Restitution and Justice Act Fund this Bill Veterans have suffered long enough from Military sexual trauma..Court ruled pay.” —Naomi

👎 No: “Why send money to Ukraine when there are enough NATO members in Europe to support Ukraine!? Americans need help!!” —Smith

👎 No: "Too many problems at home to spend money on a place that has no strategic value to normal Americans. The CIA and the Pentagon are not supposed to make foreign policy. Our own border is a more important issue, as is the defense of Taiwan. ” —Jefferson

👎 No: “We r not responsible for for our own citizens should be priority!!!” —Nancy

👎 No: “The United States must take care of our own instead of borrowing our future to help others.” —Anonymous

👎 No: “We need to secure our own border all around America and our debt is to high to do anything more for them”. —Robinette

👎 No: “We need the $$$ here”. —Joly

👎 No: “Our borders first!”. —Anonymous

👎 No: “I am sick of the money-laundering corrupt cartels that run the world! If we have plenty of money to prop up other country’s corrupt governments and the blood-loving war machines, then We the People obviously don’t really need to pay taxes!!! ” —Anonymous

👎 No: “Fix America first look after the poor and the sick shocking shocking leaders of your country a total disgrace!!” —Anonymous


Everything you need to know

📝 Immigrant spouses may be granted legal status by President Biden. According to reports, the president is considering alternatives to offer work permits and temporary legal status in the United States to the spouses of illegal migrants. This move would be made in an attempt to win over Biden's pro-immigration supporters and placate the president of Mexico, who has been pushing for the United States to legalize illegal border crossers.

💣 Before Western pressure, Israel prepared a more extensive counteroffensive against Iran. After Iran fired over 300 missiles and drones into Israel, Israeli officials disclosed that they had originally intended to undertake a more comprehensive attack on the country. To prevent the war from getting worse, P.M. Netanyahu was talked out of hitting several Iranian military targets by allies in the United States and Europe.

♫️ Pro-Hamas camps can be found at colleges throughout the nation. Students are copying Columbia University's anti-Israel protests, and tent cities are springing up on college campuses across Massachusetts, Michigan, and California. Nationwide, students persist in their "peaceful protest" and call on their school administrations to distance themselves from Israel, even in the face of nearly 100 arrests at Columbia alone.

🏛 The Supreme Court might sanction raids on camps for the homeless. The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday in response to a decision by a lower court that limited local governments' authority to forbid homeless people from camping in public areas. The conservative justices seemed to agree with Oregon officials when they argue that local governments, not courts, should make decisions on homelessness.


Trump's NY Trial at Risk of Jury Bias

Here is what's going on: Following the confirmation of all 12 jurors, opening remarks in Donald Trump's "hush money" trial were held in Manhattan, New York, yesterday.

  • Catch up: Before the 2016 election, prosecutors claim that Trump had an affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels, paid her to remain silent, and unlawfully fabricated business records. This is the first in history that a former president has been charged with a crime.

  • Skepticism: A number of liberal pundits and legal specialists concur that the case is, at most, tenuous or "risky."

Why is it important? The acrimonious jury selection process highlights how difficult it would be to give a highly publicized and controversial presidential contender a fair trial.

  • Political bias: After it was revealed that a prospective jury had previously smashed conservative political signs, the juror was removed. But one jury said that she believes Trump is "selfish," while another admitted that she mostly reads articles from USA Today, CNN, and the New York Times, among other legacy media.

  • Intimidation: A second individual claimed she was rejected because she was worried about being recognized in public and possibly persuaded as a result.

  • Recall: The 86.7 percent of Manhattan voters supported Joe Biden in the 2020 election. The Trump team has made many, fruitless attempts to get the trial moved.

Next up: Today's hearing will address whether Trump's posts on Truth Social violated the judge's gag order. He may be subject to penalties and possibly even jail time if the judge finds him in contempt.

  • Regarding Trump's other charges: it is still unknown when the Georgia and Washington, D.C. trials will take place, but the federal classified papers trial against him may start this summer.

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