Nikki Haley was defeated by Trump

Also, DOJ Takes Down Ex-FBI Informant

The media now claims that the storyline regarding Biden's alleged bribes and corrupt activities is false. They are merely accepting the DOJ's word for it, which is really not that valuable in this particular situation.

☕️ Today we’re covering:

  • 🗽 Nikki Haley was defeated by Trump in South Carolina.

  • ⚠️ DOJ Takes Down Ex-FBI Informant

  • 🗣️ The Republicans’ IVF headache

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything you need to know

🏆 Trump wins South Carolina over Nikki Haley. In the primary over the weekend in her home state, Donald Trump prevailed over the former governor of South Carolina, despite some backing from Democrats and Independents. Despite losing by almost 25 points, Haley isn't giving up on the competition.

Cities reduce civic services in the face of an increase in migrants. Local governments' finances are being stretched thin due to the extraordinary volume of undocumented immigrants entering American towns. As a result, some local governments are halting employment and cutting back on staff hours to provide funding for migrant services.

Congress does its hardest to prevent a government shutdown. Republicans and Democrats in Congress are trying to reach a consensus on compromise budget legislation before Friday's deadline to finance the government. House Speaker Mike Jonson attributes the delay to "new Democrat demands," while Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer points the finger at House Republicans.

💰 Wayne LaPierre lost a lawsuit that cost him nearly $4 million. The National Rifle Association's (NRA) previous CEO was found guilty of embezzling millions of business funds for opulent benefits for himself. Letitia James, the attorney general of New York, initiated the lawsuit and ran on a platform of looking into the NRA's non-profit status.


DOJ Takes Down Ex-FBI Informant

Here is what is going on: Last Monday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) accused Alexander Smirnov, an ex-FBI informant, on counts of lying to the FBI about claims that Vice President Joe Biden accepted a bribe.

  • Catch up: Smirnov reported to the FBI in 2020 that he had spoken with a representative of the Ukrainian energy business that hired Hunter Biden at the time. According to reports, the executive told Smirnov that he sent Joe Biden $5 million to halt an investigation into the company by a prosecutor from Ukraine.

  • Now: Smirnov contradicted himself on a few points and obtained the tale from Russian intelligence officials, according to the DOJ, which calls Smirnov's account "a fabrication."

Why it’s important: Republicans' attempt to remove Biden from office depends on the claims made in this case being deemed credible. Still, there are several grounds to doubt the DOJ's story.

  • Smirnov was regarded with trust: The government had paid him six figures and used him as an informant for more than ten years.

  • Playing the Russia card: In an effort to foil a purported Russian conspiracy, federal agents have disseminated false information about the Bidens or withheld it on multiple occasions.

In actuality, despite Smirnov's credible account, whistleblowers have claimed that the DOJ mischaracterized it as Russian disinformation in order to prevent staff members from looking into Biden in 2020.

  • Special Counsel David Weiss is the prosecutor spearheading the case against Smirnov; whistleblowers have accused Weiss of softening his stance on Hunter Biden's alleged crimes in response to pressure from the DOJ.

  • Motivations: Smirnov tries to "spread misinformation" that could "impact US elections," according to Weiss's team, which is why he should be detained until trial.

In summary, Smirnov may have lied, but it's also likely that the Biden administration is abusing its prosecutorial authority to shield its boss from criticism as he seeks reelection.


The Republicans’ IVF headache

Here is what's going on: The Alabama Supreme Court decided that the destruction of fertilized eggs can give rise to a wrongful death lawsuit, so giving such embryos personhood. As other states watch, this decision will probably put an end to the state's use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) due to the possibility of legal action.

Why it’s important: For Republicans who have always supported fetal personhood, the decision highlights the complex post-Roe abortion politics. This stance has frequently been at variance with social norms and the law. Before the elections in November, the verdict puts Republican candidates in a challenging position when it comes to addressing this topic.

Republican endorsement of personhood: For many years, the GOP has backed personhood amendments in party platforms; Mitt Romney's 2012 platform contained it. The GOP does not need to take any legal action in order to wink at pro-life activists with references to personhood prior to Roe being overturned. That isn't the case now.

The figures: Three-quarters of Democrats, 38% of Independents, and the majority of Republicans favor personhood—the belief that life begins at conception. IVF is one of the most widely used fertility procedures; in fact, 61 percent of Americans—including 54 percent of Republicans—think insurance should pay for it.

GOP response: Candidates were advised to endorse IVF by the GOP's senate campaign committee. Celebrating his endorsement of the practice, Donald Trump urged Alabama Republicans to uphold it. However, it's difficult to square that circle given the GOP's past support for personhood.

  • For instance, a liberal commentator brought up Speaker Johnson's endorsement of IVF, pointing out that, just a year earlier, he had signed onto a personhood statute.

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