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  • New Facts Contradicts the George Floyd Story

New Facts Contradicts the George Floyd Story

Also, Pro-Hamas sentiments are spreading worldwide

Today we’re covering:

  • 👮 New Facts Contradicts the George Floyd Story

  • 🇵🇸 Pro-Hamas sentiments are spreading worldwide

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🪖 A.P. will not refer to Hamas as "terrorists." A newsroom-wide directive from The Associated Press instructs reporters to refer to Hamas as "militants." Contrary to this regulation, the BBC's newly updated standards now permit the term "proscribed terrorist organization" to be used to refer to Hamas. (Fox News, Washington Free Beacon)

🚨 DHS issued a warning about potential terrorist activity in America. According to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) report from a field office in San Diego, there may already be agents from Hezbollah or Hamas in the country. This increases the continuous worry that terrorist attacks in the Middle East will encourage extremists to enter American territory. (Post Millenial)

🗣️Biden administration instructs Israel to postpone invasion. In order to give Hamas more time to free captives, the Biden administration is pleading with the Israeli government to delay its ground invasion of Gaza. Along with anticipating reprisal from terrorists supported by Iran, officials are also waiting for more humanitarian help to come. Israel claims it cannot keep postponing the offensive. In the New York Times

🚀 Iranian agents assault American soldiers. In retribution for America's support of Israel, terrorist organizations with ties to Iran on Monday attacked many American military outposts throughout the Middle East. After these assaults, the Pentagon ordered the deployment of American forces to the area in question and made it clear that it intended to hold Iran accountable for the planned attacks. (Breitbart, ABC News, Bloomberg)


Pro-Hamas sentiments are spreading worldwide

Here is what's going on: In cities all around the West and the United States, posters meant to raise awareness for the 200 persons Hamas abducted on October 7 are being torn down.

Where: Videos have emerged of individuals taking down hostage flyers on college campuses such as New York University, Boston University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the London School of Economics. Videos of people tearing down or damaging the posters in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Miami have also surfaced.

  • The Consequences: Several persons were found out and have now lost their jobs.

No responses: When questioned about tearing down posters depicting kidnapped victims, the majority either have no response, use foul language, deny that the horrors committed by Hamas occurred, or claim that Israel's response is to blame.

Surprising? According to polls, 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 think that Hamas's terrible terrorist attack was acceptable, and 64% think that both Israel and Hamas have equally valid reasons for existing. Across the nation, sizable pro-Hamas gatherings have been held where participants cry phrases like "Glory to our martyrs" and "There is only one solution, the intifada revolution."

Why it's important Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, a significant segment of American culture has been openly pro-Hamas. The manifestation of what that implies in practice is the act of tearing down awareness posters for those innocents who have been abducted, especially infants and kids.


New Facts Contradicts the George Floyd Story

Here is what's going on: According to recently made public evidence, a county medical examiner classified George Floyd's death as a homicide to support the "narrative" that police officers killed him. This claim results from a lawsuit filed by a former prosecutor regarding workplace conflicts.

  • Catch up: On the day of his arrest in 2020, Floyd ingested fatal doses of fentanyl and started yelling "I can't breathe" before police started holding him down. Because Floyd passed away while Chauvin had Floyd's neck restrained, the former officer Derek Chauvin and three of his coworkers have all been found guilty and penalized.

The testimony: According to a former prosecutor, Hennepin County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker initially discovered no "injury" to Floyd's neck that would have resulted in "asphyxia or strangulation." According to her testimony, he questioned her, "What happens when the actual evidence doesn't match up with the public narrative that everyone's already decided on?" "Cases like this are what bring careers to an end."

  • What followed: After his initial autopsy report caused controversy, Baker changed his story and claimed Floyd was choked to death, supporting the prosecution's case.

Why it's important: Floyd's passing served as a justification for large-scale riots, the elimination of police funding and other radical reforms, the growth of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and financial support for left-leaning groups like Black Lives Matter. The testimony provides a clearer picture of the widespread disregard for the facts.

Government by a mob: According to a second former prosecutor, there was "extreme premium pressure" to pursue charges because "the city was burning down." The jury in Chauvin's trial included a BLM activist, and the judge focused his entire career on "racial justice" and "equity."

On media:

  • Following criticism from Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Coca-Cola appears to have taken its support for BLM from its website. (NY Post)

  • After publishing inaccurate information on the hospital explosion in Gaza, The New York Times issued a feeble apology. (Politico)

  • Two people got compensation for COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries. (The Epoch Times)

  • If Hamas fighters abducted one Israeli during the attack, they would receive $10,000 and an apartment. (Daily Caller)

  • Prior to today's vote, the House GOP hosted a forum on potential speakers, where incumbent Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) is trying to build support. (CNN)

  • Trump criticizes Biden's approach to Israel and promises to avert "World War III" if re-elected. (Boston Globe)

  • In response to a question regarding antisemitism, the White House press secretary condemned Islamophobia. (RNC Research)

  • The Atlantic acknowledges open borders and unchecked immigration's drawbacks for the first time. (The Atlantic)

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