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  • Musk challenges the left‘s censorship

Musk challenges the left‘s censorship

Also, Release of new tapes on January 6

Today we’re covering:

  • 📀 The Release of new tapes on January 6

  • 📱 Musk challenges the left‘s censorship

  • 🇺🇸 Xi and Biden release divergent readouts

  • And everything else you need to know.

Media opinion podcast:
Trump Just Got a Surprise Court Decision

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Everything you need to know

💰 Scandals surrounding the Supreme Court fueled by left-wing funding. The Washington Examiner discovered that the "nonpartisan" activist groups criticizing the conservative Supreme Court justices depend on a sizable liberal fundraising network to "keep their lights on." According to IRS documents, George Soros and other supporters funded the push to force Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to reveal additional financial information.

👀 Trump orders RNC to stop holding debates. The former president boasted of his commanding lead in the GOP's 2024 presidential primary, citing "great polls" and urging the Republican National Convention (RNC) to "save money" by doing away with primary debates. Trump stated that Republicans should "revamp the RNC" if it doesn't spend more money "against the Democrats," echoing similar requests within the party.

🏳️‍🌈 The Pentagon wants additional money for DEI. For Fiscal Year 2024, the Defense Department has overbudgeted its spending by $28.2 million on "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility" (DEIA) activities, and it wants Congress to pay the difference. In total, this would require DEIA spending $269.2 million in the fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024. According to its request, the agency wants to incorporate DEIA "into everything we do."

What has the media been talking about recently

The conservative pundit is currently being distanced by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which assisted with the ascent to stardom of Candace Owens, for her ignorant, hateful, and morally obtuse remarks about Israel and the Jews.

If elected, Republican candidate for the House Blake Masters vows to cut off funding to universities "that teach anti-Jewish, pro-jihadi bull****."

China held talks to discuss ending the Gaza War with officials from the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Indonesia.

According to a survey, almost half of Jewish students enrolled in American institutions say they feel frightened.

Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, attempted to overturn his murder conviction in the death of George Floyd, but the Supreme Court denied his appeal.

Holton Township, Michigan, has formed a militia and proclaimed itself a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

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The Release of new tapes on January 6

Here is What's going on: House Republicans fulfilled their promise to make available more than 40,000 hours of footage from the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, after 11 months of waiting. Speaker Mike Johnson has ordered that the complete, uncut video be made publicly accessible on the internet.

What we discovered: A large portion of the recently released video confirms conservative concerns regarding the January 6 narrative, even if many people are still working through the tape. Numerous fresh videos confirm that demonstrators entered and exited the Capitol building peacefully while police officers waived them through or even escorted them inside.

  • The fist bump: In a famous video, a demonstrator was freed from handcuffs and led by the police into a hallway. As he left, he gave one of the officers a fist bump.

Police brutality: Some have speculated that the police may have instigated or provoked the clashes between protesters and law enforcement, which have received extensive media coverage over the past three years because the footage shows a startling degree of violence against protesters while they were still outside the Capitol.

  • Recall: The FBI had multiple informants in the throng and declined to disclose to Congress if they had encouraged violence.

The human cost: More than a thousand J6ers have received criminal charges against them, and hundreds of them have received prison sentences. Four people have killed themselves. Speaker Johnson has now removed the significant leverage that federal prosecutors had in these prosecutions due to their concealment of portions of the tape.

The agenda: To dramatize the incident, support a criminal referral against former President Donald Trump, and win over the public to the prosecution of hundreds of Americans, the House committee on January 6 employed a well-crafted narrative accompanied by out-of-content film.


Musk challenges the left‘s censorship

Here is what's going on: Elon Musk's X (formerly Twitter) filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters recently, alleging that the left-wing activist organization purposefully disseminated false material to divert advertisers from X.

  • The claim: According to a recent study by Media Matters, big-name corporations were putting their ads next to "pro-Nazi content" on X.

Retaliating: X claims Media Matters modified algorithms to create the impression that the problem was much more common than it actually was. The report purportedly fabricated a typical X user experience on the platform” by “knowingly and maliciously” skewing the data.

Hot water: All of this is related to a recent tweet that Musk sent out, appearing to support an X user who said that Jewish communities "push hatred against whites. Afterward, Musk made it clear that he was speaking of the Anti-Defamation League.

  • Reaction: Despite this, a number of well-known antisemites continued to magnify Musk's first remarks and even rejoiced at the fact that he was one of them. A number of significant businesses, including Disney, IBM, Apple, and Comcast, declared they would stop running advertisements on X due to the uproar over Musk's tweet and the Media Matters investigation.

  • Nevertheless, a number of well-known conservative Jews stood up for Musk in the face of accusations of antisemitism, including Bill Ackman, Chaya Raichik, and Ben Shapiro.

Between the lines: Elon Musk pledged to remove extensive censorship from the platform when he assumed leadership of X. This implies that people who were previously prohibited can now utilize X. Since Musk wants to allow for unlimited free speech, some disagreeable viewpoints—such as antisemitism, which appears to be on the upswing on X—will be permitted.

  • Why it's important: Liberals and Democrats who previously profited from government-coordinated restrictions on the platform are terrified that Elon Musk will take over X before 2024. Musk has a vulnerability when it comes to truly free speech, which leftists are currently attempting to take advantage of in order to harm the platform.


Xi and Biden release divergent readouts

Here is what's going on: Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden recently met in San Francisco. Talks about Taiwan, trade, fentanyl production, and other topics were on the docket. However, a lot of people failed to notice the "readouts" or summaries that both nations provided following the summit, which varied in subject and tone.

Why it's important: Readouts from both sides showed that Xi and Biden have sharply different ideas about the next few years. America presents itself as prepared to prevail in competition, viewing it as inevitable. China maintains that competition is unnecessary, but if it does happen, it is certain to win.

What the White House announced: Biden's readout emphasized accomplishments, such as the start of top-level military communication again. Furthermore, it restated the United States' long-standing stance on Taiwan, which is that there should be no forced reunification with China. However, Biden's main point about the competition was evident.

  • Quote: "President Biden stressed that competition exists between the United States and China, adding that the United States will keep funding its domestic sources of strength and coordinating with allies and partners across the globe."

What China made public: China's readout presented the country's rise as something that "will not be stopped by external forces," albeit underlining the interdependence of the economies of the United States and China. Additionally, it asserted that Taiwan's reunification is "unstoppable."

  • Quote: China is advocating for the significant revitalization of the Chinese people through Chinese modernity. It will not follow the incorrect route of pursuing hegemony with increasing power or the outdated route of colonization and pillage. Its philosophy is not exported. It has no intention of overtaking or dethroning the US.

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