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  • January 6 and the new battle on terror, according to Enrique Tarrio

January 6 and the new battle on terror, according to Enrique Tarrio

Also, The ever-changing door of Big Pharma

Today we’re covering:

  • 🚔 Enrique Tarrio and the new war on terror,

  • 💉 The revolving door between government and big pharma,

  • And everything else you need to know.

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The ever-changing door of Big Pharma

Here is what is going on: According to a recent survey, more than 50% of individuals appointed to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) eventually transition to the private sector. According to the report, "Such a revolving door could make government agencies more susceptible to pro-industry bias."

On a basic level: FDA employees, who are crucial to the medication approval process, move on to work in the biopharmaceutical sector, frequently earning significant salaries from the businesses whose products they helped get approved.

  • But it's not only employees: Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner, joined the Pfizer board less than three months after leaving his position in government. Even worse, before being chosen to lead the FDA, he had previously sat on the boards of other pharmaceutical behemoths like GlaxoSmithKline.

Zooming out: Revolving doors are bidirectional. Dozens of former employees of the pharmaceutical sector land employment on Capitol Hill, while hundreds of former congressional staffers now work for or push for drug corporations. Like Barack Obama before him, Donald Trump appointed executives from the big pharmaceutical companies to his government.

Why it is important: Pharmaceutical corporations and government organizations collaborated closely during the pandemic to swiftly approve and impose new vaccine requirements. Because drug producers and regulators have a stake in the outcome, adequate investigation and testing have never taken place.


Brief News

🪖 The American military publicly urges a lawmaker to approve funding for abortions. Pentagon officials have spoken out in the media to denounce Sen. Tommy Tuberville's (R-Ala.) decision to block top military appointments due to the funding of abortions for service members. In a CNN interview, one even stated that Tuberville is "aiding and abetting communists" and "autocratic regimes." The Defense Department's pressure campaign is an overtly political ploy.

🦠 "All signs point to a rise in Covid," claims NBC. The publication published a piece that continued the idea that COVID-19 cases will drastically increase in the fall while quoting "experts." The recommendations to prevent Covid remain the same, according to NBC, and include masking, staying home while ill, being tested for Covid if exposed or exhibiting symptoms, and keeping up with vaccinations.

🔎 Texas' so-called "floating border wall" is ineffective. Even if it means traversing riskier portions of the Rio Grande, migrants are figuring out methods to avoid the buoy barriers on the river installed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against the barrier, saying that the state has no control over the river.

😷 Some schools have reinstated COVID-19 safety regulations. Despite children being the least susceptible to and likely to spread COVID-19, schools in Kentucky, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Alabama have temporarily closed, mandated mask use, or necessitated quarantining in the event of a positive test.


January 6 and the new battle on terror, according to Enrique Tarrio

What is going on: The right-wing Proud Boys' former leader Henry "Enrique" Tarrio was given the heaviest prison term yet for the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021: 22 years.

Why it is important: Jurors found Tarrio guilty of seditious conspiracy — a penalty reserved for Islamic terrorists — and other offenses for inciting the violence based on his incendiary chat conversations and social media posts, despite the fact that he wasn't present at the Capitol that day. Tarrio's fate was predetermined from the start, regardless of the facts, as a result of a political government intended to make an example of him.

  • infiltration: Before the protest, the FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys with at least eight informants, two of whom broke into the Capitol with them. Unknown is the degree of the government's involvement.

Political trial: According to testimony from one of the government's own informants, the violence in the Capitol was unplanned and not a result of a complex plot. To the D.C. jury, which is heavily opposed to the January 6 defendants, it made no difference. The prosecution capitalized on the political nature of the case by frequently playing a film of former President Donald Trump and referring to the Proud Boys as "Trump's army."

  • One-sided: Judge Timothy Kelly was also unfair in that he permitted the prosecution to withhold mountains of evidence from the defense under the pretext that it was "classified."

The new war on terror: Kelly enhanced Tarrio's sentence for "terrorism" after imprisoning him for nine months already without charge. Due to this, Tarrio received a lengthier sentence than those who planned bombings or helped Al Qaeda and ISIS.

On media brief:

⚖️ This month, Hunter Biden will be the target of a federal gun accusation by Special Counsel David Weiss.

👩‍🎓 On Friday, Florida is anticipated to accept the Classic Learning Test as a substitute for the SAT in college applications.

👀 After The Washington Free Beacon reported on the candidate's appearance on an anti-Semitic YouTuber's show, Vivek Ramaswamy's team cut off contact.

🇺🇦 Depleted uranium weapons are being delivered to Ukraine as part of a new aid initiative worth over $1 billion, according to the Biden administration.

👂 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), 81, says he won't leave office until 2026 despite health concerns.

🚨 Liberty Safe is under fire for providing the FBI with the safe's access codes in response to a warrant for a defendant from the morning of January 6.

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