Israel is on trial right now

Also, Is America becoming a one-party state?

Please continue sending in your questions as we are launching the new questions and answers section of the newsletter today. It was a particularly challenging but fascinating question to respond to today. Is there just one party in America? If yes, where?

☕️ Today we’re covering:

  • 🪖 Breaking: Israel is on trial right now

  • 🇺🇸 Britain may ban nurses for “misgendering.”

  • ⚖️ Is America becoming a one-party state?

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything you need to know

⚕️Nurses may face a ban in Britain for "misgendering." The body that regulates midwives and nurses, the British Nursing and Midwifery Council, has declared that there may be consequences for those who "persistently and deliberately misgender" transgender individuals. Even though transgender ideology is illegal in Britain, the Council declared that nurses cannot violate this law "with impunity."

🔞 Ohio House overrides veto of child sex change law. Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican from Ohio, rejected a bill that would have outlawed child sex changes in the state and was approved by the GOP-controlled legislature. The state House has now overruled his veto. The bill will become law if the Senate takes the same action. Via executive order, DeWine has prohibited sex change surgery but has declined to ban puberty blockers or drugs.Is there just one party in America?


Is America becoming a one-party state?

The most well-liked opposition leader is being removed from the ballot by liberals. They're attempting to lock him up. They have drained his bank account through legal ways, maligned him in the media, and employed corporate might to silence him and his backers. Something about it all feels extremely un-American. Is this not how we would characterize a third-world nation with one major party? It's a valid query.

How is the municipal level, which is the lowest tier of government, doing? Well, school boards and city councils are erupting with democratic vigor. Republicans and centrist liberals are winning historic battles, pushing for increased family rights and opposing school liberalism. However, not all places are the same.

Like most one-party cities, Baltimore, where I grew up, has a calm aspect to it due to the slow democratic process. No disagreement and no opposition party is attempting to remove the current government. The city is ruled by Democrats, end of story. It's kind of wonderful until you realize there's nothing you can do about the situation and it keeps getting worse.

However, there are challenges to the leadership in several uni-party cities, thus not all municipal politics are dominated by one party.

Now that we are the United States of America, how are the states faring? There are 27 Republicans and 23 Democrats among the governors, and 39 of them hold trifectas or one-party dominance over every branch of government. Although Florida is profoundly Republican and California is deeply blue, there are pockets of dissent in school boards and unions in both states.

However, there is an unfair link between local and state politics. For its citizens, the state determines the majority of policies; occasionally, it even deliberately replaces local governments. Trifecta states might be seen as one-party systems, with little to no opposition from the local populace.

Even yet, some states, such as Florida and California, may have one-party systems, but their respective political parties have diverse agendas. America is a two-party state at the state level as a result.

The federal government is hard to categorize. Over the last 20 years, the partisanship of the three branches in Washington has fluctuated. An argument that our federal government is a one-party state would seem absurd on its face.

However, we then come to understand that state sovereignty has been forcibly revoked by the federal government, acting through the executive branch. Examine the Biden administration's response when states like Texas attempted to send migrants away or defend their borders.

If you dig a little further, you'll discover that the executive branch has also been suppressing opposition locally through the U.S. Department of Justice. Do you recall the FBI's targeting of conservative school board protestors?

Voters can no longer hold the executive branch accountable. Subordinate to him, one-party bureaucratic organizations and agencies have gradually absorbed the majority of the president's power. After all, the widespread censorship that contributed to the ouster of former President Trump in the 2020 election was made possible by his agencies.

Thus, our connection is as follows: state politics dominate local politics, and the federal government—especially the executive branch, which even the elected president cannot fully control—dominates both state and local politics. Attacks are directed at establishments like the Supreme Court that challenge this status quo.

Presently, the federal bureaucracy has expanded in scope and authority, exhibiting the capacity to influence national, state, and local elections and drive out undesirable contenders, thus advancing America's transition to a one-party system.

For this reason, anti-establishment Republican presidential contenders Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Donald Trump have been advocating for radical reform, if not outright elimination, of numerous government agencies and the bureaucracy that supports them.


Who’s afraid of the International Court of Justice? Not Israel

Here is what’s going on: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is holding hearings on South Africa's claim that Israel is committing genocide in retaliating militarily for Hamas' terrorist attack on October 7, which resulted in over 1,200 deaths and 240 hostages.

Context: The ICJ has never declared a nation to have committed genocide.

Why it is important: Although the International Court of Justice's verdicts are legally binding and may put a stop to hostilities shortly, the court lacks the authority to execute its decisions if either party disobeys them.

The accusations: As proof of genocide, South Africa cites the extensive devastation and high death toll in Gaza. Additionally, it asserts that harsh remarks made by Israeli authorities following the October 7 strike demonstrate a desire to carry out genocide; Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is best known for calling his adversary "human animals."

  • Nevertheless, to reduce the number of civilian deaths in Gaza, Israel has deliberately chosen to engage in ground operations, putting its soldiers in danger (185 IDF soldiers have lost their lives thus far).

History: Compared to many previous wars since the end of World War II, this one has resulted in a significantly smaller death toll.

  • And: Since 1967, Gaza’s population has risen from 394,000 to 2.2 million.

Dive Deeper: Check out our coverage of Israel's alleged genocide here for additional background.

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