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  • Illegal Migration Hits High Record Since Biden Took Office

Illegal Migration Hits High Record Since Biden Took Office

Also, Influence of Qatar on U.S. Universities

Today we’re covering:

  • 🏛️ Illegal Migration Hits High Record Since Biden Took Office

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  • 🇦🇷 Unusual Argentina's Presidential Candidate

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🚨 The FBI claims there is a significant threat of foreign terrorism. The Israel-Hamas conflict "has raised the threat of an attack against Americans... to a whole new level," FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress. According to Wray, "multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for" similar assaults in the past, raising concerns that radicals in the United States would find the motivation to carry out violent acts. (Fox News)

💰 Egypt is alleged to be paid by Israel to accept refugees. According to an Israeli news outlet, the country has suggested relieving Egypt of some of its crippling debt in return for accepting migrants fleeing the conflict with Hamas. According to the report, the president of Egypt is against the plan and recommends sending them to Negev in southern Israel. (Ynet)

🧕 Muslims demand that Biden call for an Israel cease-fire. If the president didn't find a truce by yesterday, the activist group National Democratic Muslim Council threatened to turn battleground states "red" in 2024. The latter claimed that Biden's "unconditional support" for Israel constitutes a betrayal of Muslim voters. (National Democratic Muslim Council)


Over 10 Million Border Encounters During Biden's Presidency

Here is what's going on: Under President Joe Biden, over 10 million people—nearly 13 times the population of North Dakota—have attempted to enter the country illegally. Already, the figure is significantly higher than during any previous presidency.

  • What number was entered? The House Judiciary Committee revealed this month that over 4 million undocumented immigrants had either escaped detention or been let into the country. Of those freed, about 99 percent have not been deported.

They are who? A variety of individuals, including job seekers, refugees, unaccompanied minors who are frequently victims of human trafficking, those with criminal records or connections to terrorism, and the more than 1.7 million "gotaways" who have eluded law enforcement, have been trying to enter the country illegally in recent years.

  • The fiction of the asylum seeker: the House report claims that Biden's "asylum" schemes are not what they seem. Only 6% of alleged asylum applicants had been examined by the Biden administration as of March for a "fear of persecution" in their native country.

How is Biden handling this? Although there have been some little steps taken by the Biden administration to increase deportations, the country continues to have the laxest border restrictions in its history. In the meanwhile, it actively obstructs state officials' attempts to resolve the situation and falsifies statistics to minimize border confrontations.

How is the GOP acting? For months, House Republicans have been attempting to remove Biden's homeland security secretary due to his handling of the border. Throughout his time in Congress, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has backed border security legislation, and he has pledged to spearhead its development.


Influence of Qatar on U.S. Universities

Here is what's going on: In an apparent effort to purchase soft power across the nation, Qatar has poured $4.7 billion into American universities since 2001, including several that get government funding.

  • The totals: Texas A&M received over $700 million in gifts, $1.8 billion went to Cornell, $740 million to Carnegie Mellon, $760 million to Georgetown, and $602 million to Northwestern.

Influence: In order to "facilitate knowledge transfer, increase student engagement, and strengthen collaboration," the top journalism program at Northwestern's satellite campus in Qatar signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Al-Jazeera, the state media outlet in Qatar.

  • Quick take: Hamas has complimented Al-Jazeera for featuring voices from the Muslim Brotherhood for a long time. Even the president of the Northwestern faculty senate in Qatar acknowledged that academic freedom is "limited" for faculty members there.

Pinch out: It extends beyond colleges. Qatar owns assets valued at anything from $750 billion to $1 trillion worldwide, including stakes in the Empire State Building and Fortune 500 corporations.

Here is what's actually going on: Qatar wants to buy influence in America on as many fronts as possible in order to disseminate its brand of political Islam, poison public opinion, and prevent the United States from criticizing its rule.

Why it's important: Due to Qatar's financial ties to the US economy, many American politicians are choosing to ignore the fact that some Hamas leaders are currently receiving safe refuge in the midst of the terror group's attack on Israel.


Unusual Argentina's Presidential Candidate

Here is what's going on: Two candidates are vying for Argentina's presidency: Javier Milei, a right-winger campaigning on an anti-establishment platform, and Sergio Massa, the minister of economics and a conventional center-leftist.

  • The background? Argentina is in a crisis, with crime rates close to 140%, inflation close to 140%, and a government that is losing support among the electorate.

Not merely visual He wants to bring about significant changes in Argentina and runs a program that is a unique blend of social conservatism and hardline libertarian economics:

  • A fierce opponent of banks, Milei wants to see Argentina's central bank abolished because he believes it is responsible for the high inflation rate in the nation. This is a very audacious stance to take; even American libertarians such as Rand Paul frequently advocate solely for an audit of the US Federal Reserve.

  • Dollarization: Milei wants to make the dollar the official currency of Argentina amid a time when certain nations, such as the BRICS, are searching for a substitute. The value of the Argentinian Peso has decreased by 858 percent compared to the US dollar over the last five years.

  • Social conservatism: Milei was against Argentina's 2020 abortion legalization. He has vowed to attempt to re-ban it as president, arguing that life begins at conception.

Why it’s important: Significant occurrences in one nation have a tendency to spread throughout the world. The election of former President Donald Trump in the same year as the Brexit nationalist movement is no coincidence. Milei might have an impact on South America, which has recently shifted to the left if his campaign wins in a runoff election scheduled for next month.

On media:

  • According to Egypt's prime minister, if Israel attempts to relocate refugees to the Sinai, Egypt is prepared to lose "millions" of its citizens in order to preserve the region. (Al Arabiya)

  • Next month, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference, President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet in San Francisco. (CNBC)

  • The Rafah border crossing will open today, as agreed upon by Egyptian officials, to enable injured Palestinians to obtain medical attention. (Ahram Online)

  • In response to antisemitic hate threats, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) signed an executive order requiring law enforcement agencies to work together, safety plans for colleges, and financing for security for houses of worship. (Fox News)

  • Though his team disputes it, there is mounting speculation that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is utilizing custom-made shoes or shoe implants to gain inches on his stature. (Politico)

  • After meeting with the Saudi defense minister, the White House is still hopeful about a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. (Axios)

  • Amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict, investors are being urged to "buy" into the weapons industry and anticipate significant profits. (Responsible Statecraft)

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