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  • How the DOJ covered up Joe Biden's scandals

How the DOJ covered up Joe Biden's scandals

Also, Funding Terrorism by Qatar

Today we’re covering:

  • 🏛 How the DOJ covered up Joe Biden's scandals

  • 🇵🇸 Why do Arab Nations support Palestine?

  • 🪖 Funding Terrorism by Qatar

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🇺🇲 The US has sent hundreds of troops to the Middle East. According to the Pentagon, 900 soldiers are being or have already been dispatched to the Middle East in reaction to attacks on American outposts carried out by forces backed by Iran. They won't be sent to Israel, the Pentagon made clear. In addition, the United States has already carried out airstrikes in Syria and is moving missile defense systems in anticipation of a possible regional battle. (NBC)

✌🏻 Biden advocates for Israel's "two-state solution." In order to achieve a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, the president wants to resume diplomatic efforts. Biden has made a significant turn here, indicating that he will be participating more in the fight. The majority of Gazans and senior Israeli officials are against the plan. In Axios

🪖 Israeli tanks move into Gaza. According to Israel, Israeli tanks and infantry moved into the Gaza Strip yesterday "to prepare the battlefield" for an impending attack. This is happening while American and Israeli defense leaders are debating what to do next. Concerns about the potential for a two-front confrontation have increased as a result of new reports indicating an influx of weapons into the West Bank. (Wall Street Journal, CNBC)

🗿 A silent removal of a Confederate statue. In a covert place, Charlottesville, Virginia's Black History Museum subtly destroyed the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Its components will be combined to create a brand-new work of public art. During the 2017 white nationalist "Unite the Right" rally, which had the statue as its main point, a man crashed his automobile into a crowd of protesters, killing one and wounding numerous others. In the Washington Post


How did the DOJ cover-up Joe Biden's scandals?

Here is what's going on: According to recent House testimony and reporting from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the Department of Justice barred staff members from looking into President Joe Biden's potential for bribery in 2020 by mislabeling material as foreign disinformation.

  • Catch up: In 2020, the FBI spoke with an informant who said that Biden took a bribe from a Ukrainian CEO at his son Hunter's business while serving as vice president.

Lying: According to Sen. Grassley, who referenced "information, records, and... Justice Department whistleblowers," FBI officials spread a rumor a month or so following the interview claiming that Russian disinformation was the source of the intelligence assessment.

  • Recall that the Foreign Influence Task Force—the same FBI division that pushed for internet platforms to suppress the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop—was purportedly behind the deception.

Obstructing: Former prosecutor Scott Brady stated in court that the DOJ's unique "reluctance" prevented him from conducting an effective investigation into Biden's connections to Ukraine. Brady claimed that by not communicating well and requesting permission for an excessive number of duties, officials created more obstacles. Due of Biden's reelection campaign, the lawyer conceded that the scandal was "sensitive" for the DOJ.

Why it's important: Grassley's staff discovered that 40 informants worked with the FBI and "provided criminal information relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Brady stated that his team believed that the bribery allegations on their own merited a grand jury inquiry into the current president.

  • Moving forward: A House impeachment investigation is now centered on Biden's overseas connections. In the meantime, Grassley is requesting records from the DOJ in order to perhaps uncover dishonest personnel.


Why do Arab countries Support Palestine?

Here is what's going on: Even after the Palestinians carried out the largest attack on Jews since the Holocaust, the Arab world has supported the Palestinian cause from the start. This is the reason.

The beginnings: Before there was a Jewish state, the Arab nations were against the concept of one. Israel was invaded by five Arab armies on its founding day; the humiliation of defeating all five in 1948 by a small Jewish force sparked further Arab resistance.

Evolution: Since then, there have been two primary sources of support for the Palestinian people.

  • The first was the Arab nationalist movement, which viewed Israel as a "colonial entity" that needed to be expelled and used the conflict to unite Arabs against it.

  • There is also the religious source. Many people think that Israel is a Muslim country where significant Islamic sites, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque, are being desecrated by Jews. The idea that Jews are infringing on a divine claim to the land has gained traction.

Cracks: The Palestinian cause soon lost importance in favor of other concerns. Israel struck diplomatic agreements with five distinct Arab nations in 2020. It appeared that Israel and Saudi Arabia would soon be restoring their diplomatic ties prior to the ongoing conflict.

However, it is unlikely that any Arab nation will accept Palestinian refugees escaping the conflict. Egypt and Jordan won't, mostly because doing so would hinder the establishment of a Palestinian state and increase the threat of terrorism and the financial burden of refugees.


How does Qatar control the narrative and finance terrorists?

Here is what's going on: With Hamas's recent violence against Israelis, Qatar hasn't gotten much attention. Although the oil-rich emirate is very small, it is extremely affluent, and it exploits its resources to fund terrorists and spread misinformation throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Terror funding: Over the previous five years, Qatar has provided monthly stipends to Hamas amounting to over $30 million. In addition, Ismail Haniyeh, the de facto leader of Gaza and the head of Hamas, has resided in the emirate for a while.

Information warfare funding: Al Jazeera is one way Qatar fights above its weight when it comes to funding information warfare. Because of its coverage of the Middle East, the state-sponsored network is among the most viewed in the world. It repeats Palestinian lies, most recently the refuted allegation that Israel destroyed a hospital, and calls Hamas militants nothing more than “fighters."

  • It's effective: States in the Middle East have accused Al Jazeera of inciting support for rebel movements in their areas. One of their main requests for mending relations was the closure of Al Jazeera. Some states severed ties with Qatar and blockaded it.

Funding in the United States: Despite being a major backer of Hamas, Qatar also makes more lobbying efforts in Washington than any other Arab nation, which has helped it escape criticism during the most recent Israel-Hamas conflict. Additionally, it provides significant funding to American institutions, where scholars and students have come under fire for not denouncing the crimes of Hamas.

The bottom line: By sponsoring terrorists, controlling the narrative through its worldwide propaganda operation Al Jazeera, and influencing American policy through lobbying, Qatar has placed itself in a powerful position.

On media:

  • Even after a home burglar attempted to break into his home twice, the Biden administration continues to deny presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection. (RFK campaign)

  • "Jews should definitely avoid the area" of Eastern Parkway, according to the New York Police Department, ahead of a planned pro-Palestinian protest. (Breitbart)

  • To guarantee their safety amid pro-Palestinian protests, Jewish students at Cooper Union in Manhattan were locked in a library. (New York, Fox 5)

  • Special interests in Washington are concerned about the incoming House Speaker, Mike Johnson (R-LA), because of his lack of ties to lobbyists. (Politico)

  • Doubts are being raised about House Speaker Mike Johnson's (R-LA) capacity to match former speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy's (R-CA) fundraising skills and protect the GOP's majority during the election season. (Politico)

  • Jewish leaders in Rep. Jamaal Bowman's (D-NY) area urged Westchester County Executive George Latimer to challenge Rep. Bowman in a primary election over his anti-Israel position. (Scarsdale Inquirer)

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