How Americans perceive "Bidenomics"

Also, Biden received payments from China

Today we’re covering:

  • 🧾 President Joe Biden received payments from China

  • 📉 How Americans perceive "Bidenomics"

  • The Consequences of Santos' removal

  • And everything else you need to know.

Media opinion podcast:
.🎤 Speaker Johnson Blindsides Democrat Strategist

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Everything you need to know

🔍 Biden was paid from a bank account funded by China. The House Oversight Committee used bank documents to show that Hunter Biden repaid a loan to his father from a bank account connected to his business dealings in China. Beginning in 2018, the committee discovered a minimum of three $1,380 monthly payments. That year, a money laundering investigator at Hunter's bank looked at the same account.

🏳️‍⚧️ Nikki Haley is against outlawing child sex modifications. When a youngster identifies as transgender, what medical "care" is legally permissible? asked GOP presidential candidate Nikki a CBS News host. Rejecting the views of the majority of her party and American citizens, Haley responded, "I think the law should stay out of it and I think parents should handle it."

🚨 A camp of young male migrants at the US border. Hundreds of males of military age, without any women or kids, were spotted by Fox News camped out at the Arizona border with the United States, awaiting processing by border officials. It was reported that some came from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Up to 17,500 migrant interactions have occurred at this specific port of entry in a single week, which is a record.

✡️ Hearing on antisemitism in the House becomes heated. Under intense questioning from lawmakers yesterday, the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) acknowledged that antisemitism is becoming more of an issue on their campuses. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) once advised Harvard's president that she ought to step down for putting up with pro-Palestinian "intifada" demonstrations. Jewish college students also reported being harassed and receiving death threats.

What has the media been talking about recently

The Biden administration would not grant work permits to Palestinians who have attacked Israelis or Jewish settlers who are allegedly violent in the West Bank.

The Israeli Health Ministry discovered that Hamas had poisoned its hostages before releasing them to make them appear healthier and well-cared for.

Before Christmas, the European Union issued a warning about a "huge risk" of terror strikes motivated by the Israel-Hamas conflict.

A GOP presidential town hall should be held, according to conservative pundit C.J. Pearson, and "moderated by Gen Z conservatives."

Yesterday's scheduled meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy and US senators, where he was supposed to request increased military money, had to be postponed.

The United States will not tolerate "the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza," Vice President Kamala Harris cautions Israel.

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Speaker Johnson Blindsides Democrat Strategist


How Americans perceive "Bidenomics"

Here is what's going on: The Biden administration is still praising "Bidenomics," citing robust job growth and falling inflation as evidence of its remarkable success. Recent surveys, however, indicate that Americans aren't persuaded, and a closer examination of economic statistics reveals why.

Data: The information According to the Employment Cost Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation-adjusted salaries have decreased by 3.7% since 2020. Real wages today are back to where they were in 2015, meaning that all of the wage increases made throughout the Trump administration have been erased in the economy under Biden.

  • Boxed out: The data indicates that rising mortgage and auto loan interest rates are making it more and more difficult for young Americans to afford to purchase homes and vehicles.

Sadly, only 36% of respondents to a recent survey said they still think the American ideal is attainable. In 2012, 53% of respondents to the same poll said they believed in the American Dream; in 2016, 48% said the same.

  • Additional figures: According to a survey conducted earlier this month, 81% of Americans believe that the US economy is either "fair" or "poor." However, according to a different survey, the majority of registered voters believe that under Biden, their financial situation has gotten worse. Merely 14% claimed to be in a better place.

Stupid, it's the economy: In the general election of the following year, voters will probably find Biden and his opponent to be sharply different on this topic.


The Consequences of Santos' removal

Here is what’s going on: Congress just voted to remove Representative George Santos (R-NY) from office for the first time in almost 20 years. It follows a 53-page report from the House Ethics Committee and a 23-count indictment, to which Santos has entered a not-guilty plea.

The charges: Santos is facing numerous charges in the indictment, including falsifying his biography, engaging in improper campaign fundraising, stealing identity, defrauding the unemployment insurance system, and making fraudulent claims.

  • No boundaries: He was also charged with embezzling campaign cash for private purchases such as Botox injections, fancy clothes, spa treatments, OnlyFans subscriptions, and visits to casinos.

Why this is important: GOP Speaker Mike Johnson's majority in the House is reduced to three seats as a result of the Santos expulsion, which was spearheaded by both parties. Among the 112 Republicans who voted against Santos' expulsion was the Speaker, who emphasized that Santos had not yet been found guilty.

In the future: With Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) scheduled to leave office next year and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) considering retirement, the majority may shrink even further.

Observing 2024: Democrats intend to retake the majority in the House the following year, focusing on the New York seats they lost in 2022, among other places. The Third District of Santos is seen as a swing district. The winner of the special election will probably move up to the front of the race in November.

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