FBI Targets Trump’s Supporters

Also, A Father's Fight for Parental Rights in Court

The FBI's decision to redefine a crucial term demonstrates their new focus, which is to prosecute Joe Biden's political rivals.

Today we’re covering:

  • 🕵️ FBI Targets President Trump’s Supporters

  • ♂ A Father's Fight for Parental Rights in Court

  •  🇺🇸 The U.S. economy is doing Great!

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🚌 Texas transports 50,000 migrants to safe havens. More than 50,000 migrants have been brought to sanctuary cities in the United States under Texas's migrant busing program, with the majority heading to Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York City. Abbott started the initiative to highlight the situation at the southern border as well as the unfair burden Texas is bearing. (Just the News)

💣 US soldiers launched attacks in Syria and Iraq. Militias supported by Iran carried out drone assaults, according to military bases. Then, three missiles that may have been directed at Israel were fired by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who are also supported by Iran. They were stopped by the Navy. (ABC News)

🚨 Texas will erect barriers along the border with New Mexico. The erection of walls along the state's borders with Mexico and New Mexico has been announced by Governor Greg Abbott. According to Abbott, turning migrants away from New Mexico will obstruct their access to the Rio Grande and El Paso, Texas. (Breitbart)

🇮🇱 Israel prepares for a post-battle buffer zone. After their military operations are over, Israeli military planners are preparing to establish a buffer zone around Gaza. This extra line of defense aims to stop Hamas and other violent organizations from launching massive assaults. (Financial Times)


The FBI Targets Trump’s Supporters

Here’s what’s going on: According to a Newsweek investigation, the FBI modified its definition of domestic "extremism" to specifically target political parties shortly after the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021.

  • The specifics: FBI records used to refer to "anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism" as having "ideological agendas" but have since changed to "political and/or social agendas."

Why it's important: According to Newsweek, the FBI has more than increased the number of cases it is looking into since the Capitol incident involving domestic terrorism. According to confidential data, the FBI disproportionately targets supporters of former President Donald Trump and the political right in those investigations now that it is officially focused on political groupings.

Blind justice? The Department of Justice, which is the parent organization of the FBI, has reportedly stated that prosecuting the January 6 demonstrators, the majority of whom entered the Capitol peacefully, has "no higher priority"

  • Zooming out: America's premier law enforcement agency has made it quite apparent via both words and deeds that its primary goal is to punish President Joe Biden's political adversaries.

However, there are worries: A few anonymous FBI personnel expressed conflicting opinions about the agency's partisan shift, with one expressing concern that the crackdown would unintentionally incite and radicalize Americans against the government.

  • The threat: Others, however, weren't as concerned about straying out of line. In Newsweek, a senior intelligence officer reiterated his claim, saying that "Trump's army constitutes the greatest threat of domestic violence" that the nation confronts.

  • Priorities: Previous FBI whistleblower claims that partisanship is emanating from the top and driving out lower-level agents. One person even claimed that the bureau switched its attention away from cases involving child exploitation and human trafficking because pursuing Trump supporters was deemed "a higher priority."


California Teen Had a Sex Change Surgery Against His Father's Will

Here is what’s going on: Ted Hudacko, the father of a child who underwent sex change surgery without his knowledge and in breach of a custody arrangement, is requesting that his ex-wife and other people be held in contempt by a California court.

Why it’s important: Hudacko's case illustrates how a judicial system can deprive parents of their rights if they choose not to nurture their transgender children. Hudacko has always been helpless in the face of a radical judge who encourages youngsters to transition through the use of novel, drastic methods.

How we got here: Hudacko's ex-wife was given permission to transition their son as long as "no surgery" was involved by Judge Joni Hiramoto. The teen had a puberty-blocking medication surgically implanted, nevertheless, in 2021. Hudacko objected, and Hiramoto granted the ex-wife full custody; as a result, Hudacko hasn't been able to see his son in more than three years.

  • Openly biased: Hiramoto has given legal professionals educational training to advocate for trans-"affirming" parents. She questioned Hudacko's gender preferences before rescinding his parental rights by posing the question, "Would you love your son if he believed himself to be the Queen of England?"

Gov. Gavin Newsom's agenda: The attorney general of California is suing to allow schools to conceal pupils' gender changes from parents. This occurred after Newsom approved legislation designating California as a "sanctuary state" for grownups who violate other states' prohibitions on adopting children. Additionally, Hudacko's law increases the likelihood that she may lose custody of her kids.


The U.S. economy is doing Great!

Here is what’s going on: In a speech that was widely watched at the Economic Club of New York, Fed Chair Jerome Powell addressed the briefly interjected climate protesters with a similar message: It's too warm. Powell was talking about how the US economy hasn't even yawned despite receiving massive doses of melatonin from the Fed in the form of interest rate hikes.

Despite effectively ruling one out for November, Powell stated that "inflation is still too high" in his speech and left the door open for another interest rate increase in December. The Fed has raised interest rates to a 22-year high over the past 20 months in an effort to rein in spiraling inflation. Inflation is now almost half of what it was in June 2022.

However, the economy is still terribly bad

The bad side effects of the Fed's rate-hiking bonanza were predicted to be a slowdown in hiring, consumption, and overall economic growth. A number of recent data, however, demonstrate that the US economy is still booming in the 1920s:

  • Jobs: In September, employers added 336,000 jobs, exceeding estimates, and the unemployment rate remained at a historically low 3.8%.

  • Spending: September retail sales again far above expectations, demonstrating that American customers continue to reign supreme in the realm of online buying. According to Fed figures released on Wednesday, American family wealth increased 37% between 2019 and 2022, so this undoubtedly helped. The second-highest rise on record is more than doubled by that amount.

  • Economy: Following the release of this week's excellent retail sales figures, Morgan Stanley increased its Q3 economic growth projection to 4.9% from 4.5%. Background: Bloomberg economists projected a recession would most likely occur this week one year ago with a 100% chance.

Big Picture: Powell highlighted that none of his plans had been drafted in Sharpie "given the uncertainties and risks" of the current circumstance. The potential escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict is one of those unanswered questions. Geopolitical tensions that are "highly elevated" "pose important risks" for the world economy, Powell cautioned.—NF

On media:

  • All Americans have been issued a global travel notice by the State Department warning them of an increased danger of terrorist strikes. (Department of State)

  • In the Georgia case involving Trump, attorney Sidney Powell entered a guilty plea and consented to a $6,000 fine and a written apology. The meager sentence may point to flaws in the prosecution's case. Nationwide Pulse

  • Harvard students who support Hamas organized a "die-in," during which they remained on the ground while denouncing the "genocide in Gaza." (Breitbart)

  • Israel will get artillery ammunition from the Department of Defense that was intended for Ukraine. (Axios)

  • Another American journalist has been jailed by Russia, which claims that she did not register as a "foreign agent." (Semafor)

  • A university investigation was launched after a group of students at New York University was found turning down posters depicting kidnapped Jews, continuing a recent trend of downplaying Israeli suffering. In the New York Post

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