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  • Donald Trump Allies Accept Plea Deals in Georgia

Donald Trump Allies Accept Plea Deals in Georgia

Also, Republicans Embark on Search for New House Speaker

Today we’re covering:

  • 🔍 Donald Trump Allies Accept Plea Deals in Georgia

  • 🏛 Republicans Embark on Search for New House Speaker

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🇨🇳 A Chinese diplomat is on his way to Washington, D.C. This week, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is scheduled to travel to Washington, DC, to meet with White House representatives regarding the unrest in the Middle East. The Biden administration is attempting to persuade Chinese officials to utilize their clout in order to keep Iran out of the Israel-Hamas conflict and stop it from getting worse. (Washington Post)

⚠️ Biden's reelection campaign is in grave danger. According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, voters are becoming less supportive of President Joe Biden's reelection, mainly because they are not happy with how he is handling their top concerns, which include the economy, immigration, and inflation. With a 53 percent voter disapproval rate and a new war breaking out in the Middle East, Democrats are beginning to doubt his capacity to win back public support. (Breitbart)

📚 Oregon lowers schooling requirements. The Oregon Department of Education has opted to postpone implementing the mandatory skills requirements for high school graduation until 2028, citing the assertion that children of color are disproportionately affected by these requirements. Oregon boasts one of the lowest graduation rates in the country, which has parents increasingly worried about the state's educational system. (New York Post)

🔇 Democrats demand that Rumble and Substack be banned. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Rep. Joe Morelle (D-NY) complained in a letter to Amazon about "misinformation" being spread by Alexa by using Rumble as a source of data. The Washington Post story that an Alexa device said the 2020 election was "stolen" in answer to a query regarding the outcome served as the impetus for their letter. (Must Read Alaska)

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Donald Trump Allies Accept Plea Deals in Georgia

Here is what's going on: In the Georgia criminal case pertaining to former President Donald Trump's challenges in the 2020 election, four persons have entered guilty pleas thus far. They each agreed to forgo prison time in exchange for their plea agreements, and they also promised to testify against Trump upon request.

  • Catch up: There are state-level accusations against Trump and eighteen other individuals for allegedly plotting to rig the election. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act of Georgia designates them as a "criminal enterprise," according to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Why it's important: When prosecutors go after a prominent defendant in a racketeering case, they frequently sway co-defendants with lenient plea bargains in order to concentrate on prosecuting Trump. The testimony of these witnesses might seriously harm Trump's case in court.

The Mafia of Trump? This tactic has been employed by the Department of Justice in the past to bring down influential criminal lords. In the 1980s, Rudy Giuliani's prosecutorial career was shaped by his use of the federal RICO Act against New York Mafia. Paradoxically, Giuliani is now preparing to defend against state RICO charges as a co-defendant in Trump's case.

  • The criticism: Willis has drawn criticism for using Georgia's racketeering statute too liberally, especially in situations involving street gangs, from certain observers, including legal professionals. Her case against Trump may not be as strong overall as it seems, and this is just one more reason why. The majority of Americans concur that Trump's accusations are political.

  • Nevertheless: two of the attorneys who have entered guilty pleas are expected to testify against Trump in the federal case pertaining to the 2020 election, according to a former federal prosecutor.


Republicans Face Difficulty in Choosing a New Speaker of the House

Here is what's going on: The GOP keeps failing to pick a new speaker after Democrats assisted a handful of rebel House Republicans in ousting Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

  • On hold: The House cannot move any legislation forward while a speaker is not present. This presents a serious challenge in the midst of the Israel-Hamas conflict and the impending government shutdown.

How it began: Rep. Matt Gaetz led the initiative to remove McCarthy from office, and eight other House Republicans backed him. With one notable exception, they were all among the most conservative members of the house. Perceiving McCarthy as part of the establishment, they were unhappy with his lack of action as speaker on the border crisis and budget cuts.

Since then: Representative Jim Jordan has attempted to become Speaker of the House but has been unsuccessful in three distinct public elections and one secret ballot vote. While some members objected to his strict attitude on government expenditure, others rejected his coercive campaign strategies.

  • Additionally: hours after winning the GOP nomination for speaker, Representative Tom Emmer withdrew from the contest. His chances were severely harmed by the former president Donald Trump's criticism of him as a "Globalist RINO." Then it became evident that he would not receive the necessary number of votes.

  • Who follows? Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), a fervent conservative, is the speaker nominee put out by Republicans. Johnson has been vocal about the issues with the FBI and censorship by the federal government, and he supported the former President during the impeachment drama.

Why it’s important: In the lead-up to the 2024 election, the GOP is positioning itself as a strong rival to Joe Biden and the Democrats; however, the recent internal strife undermines this message to the American people.

On media:

  • Israel is prepared to postpone a ground invasion of Gaza in order to free a significant number of hostages. (Axios)

  • With the endorsement of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jack Lew has garnered enough votes to become the next ambassador of the United States to Israel. (The HILL)

  • Almost 100 Hamas militants are said to have been killed by a female IDF squad during their invasion of Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

  • Because BLM supports Hamas, House Republicans wrote to Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C., requesting that she rename the area "Black Lives Matter Plaza" and take down a street painting. (Sentate.gov)


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