BREAKING: Israel's 9/11 moment

Also, Biden provided resources to the Palestinians, Iran

The Israeli conflict affects more than simply the Middle East; its repercussions have an impact on diplomatic relations and even domestic politics in nations outside the region. We'll keep you informed on domestic and international issues while focusing on the Israeli conflict.

Today we’re covering:

  • 🇺🇸 Biden provided resources to the Palestinians, Iran,

  • 🇮🇱 Analyzing Israel's 9/11 moment,

  • 🗞️ X is flooded with Israel–Hamas war misinformation,

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🚺 The policy on transgender bathrooms was changed following student protests. After students staged a large walkout, a Pennsylvania school board changed its mind about allowing biological men into women's restrooms. After a female classmate felt uncomfortable after encountering a male student in the restroom, the students organized a well-attended protest. The Fox News

🇮🇱 Jack Lew will soon be appointed ambassador to Israel. Congress is moving quickly to confirm Jack Lew as the incoming American ambassador to Israel in reaction to the turmoil there. Mr. Lew, an Orthodox Jew, formerly worked for the Obama administration and supported the Iran deal, as did Tom Nides, a former ambassador to Israel. (Politico)

😾 Disney is facing a new conflict. Nelson Peltz is prepared to write the unusual sequel that Disney did not like. It is anticipated that the billionaire activist investor who withdrew from a proxy struggle with the media company earlier this year will pick up that conflict once more and make a new push for several board seats. Trian Fund Management CEO Peltz gave up the fight in February after approving Disney CEO Bob Iger's cost-cutting and reorganization proposal. His desire for more power has since returned as the company's stock price has fallen from $113 to roughly $80. Trian might once more propose new directors who would be up for election next spring if Disney does not respond "be our guest" to Peltz's demands.

🇪🇬 According to Egypt's intelligence leader, Israel was forewarned. According to a recent report, General Abbas Kamel, the head of Egypt's intelligence, allegedly tried to warn the Israeli government of an impending attack. Israeli authorities have responded by denying receiving any such warning from General Kamel. The intelligence failures of both Israel and the United States, which at the time had at least two congressmen present, confound many security specialists. Politico and Times of Israel


President Biden provided resources to the Palestinians, Iran

Here is what's going on: Attacks by Hamas, an Iranian-backed terrorist organization, on Israel have raised questions about President Biden's decision to recently release $6 billion in blocked assets to Iran in exchange for hostages. Since August, when the $6 billion agreement was reached, Iranian officials have openly acknowledged aiding Hamas in planning the attack.

  • Defense of the administration: According to the US government, Iran has not yet used the unfrozen cash, and that spending is only allowed for humanitarian purposes.

Why it's important: Whether or whether the $6 billion is spent specifically on Hamas, Biden nonetheless helped the operation by releasing Iran's resources, making it $6 billion less expensive for Iran to launch the strikes, a fact that Biden spokespeople haven't addressed. This is just the beginning of Biden's many activities that subtly promote Palestinian terrorism.

The background: Former President Donald Trump halted almost all financial assistance to the Palestinians out of worry that it might go to Hamas and other like-minded organizations. The government started sending hundreds of billions of dollars again under Biden, while repeatedly admitting in its own reports that it was powerless to stop the money from being used to slaughter Jews.

  • Weapons as well: In Afghanistan in 2021, Biden's soldiers left a ton of weapons behind, which terrorists promptly took. According to a June statement from the Israeli military, some of these weapons "have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip," according to Newsweek.

Making it even worse: The crisis surrounding Biden's management of relations with Iran has been made worse by recent accusations that some of his foreign policy advisers were involved in an Iranian influence effort.


Analyzing and breaking down Israel's 9/11 moment

Since the start: With support from the Iranian government, hundreds of Hamas terrorists attacked Israel early on Saturday morning by crashing through its southern border on foot, by truck, motorcycle, and paraglider.

Breaking down the attacks

  • Over 260 Israeli concertgoers were murdered by Hamas terrorists who descended on a music festival in progress. Videos showing Hamas terrorists displaying dead, naked women, many of whom had been beaten and raped before being killed, have surfaced. There are stories of people who hid among the dead bodies and managed to escape the carnage.

  • Other militants crossed the border into Israel by walking 15 kilometers through South Israeli towns, going house to home and collecting up women and children before shooting them. They opened fire on bystanders at bus stations, in their automobiles, and on sight. There were almost 1,000 Israeli deaths, including some family groups. Jews beheaded their infants.

  • The specifics are horrifying: In one instance, terrorists killed a grandma and broadcast it live for her family to see. In another, a youngster is said to have been murdered in front of her parents and siblings.

  • Over 150 confirmed captives, including whole families, young children, newborns, and old people, have been taken hostage and returned to Gaza by Hamas. Several Americans have been kidnapped; 11 of them have been proven dead. On live broadcast, Hamas has threatened to begin beheading hostages. Families have appealed for their loved ones via the media.

  • Thousands of rockets were fired across the nation, overpowering Israel's Iron Dome defense system, which has previously prevented rocket attacks without requiring Israel to approach the rocket's origin: Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas in Gaza, both of which are supported financially by Iran and occasionally by Western aid to Palestinians.

Here is where we’re currently: Israel is keeping an eye on its borders on three fronts: the West Bank with other Palestinian terrorist organizations, Lebanon to the north with Hezbollah, and Gaza to the east with Hamas. Biden has given Israel permission to defend itself after the United States moved an aircraft carrier to the region. Israel responded by attacking Gaza, the base of Hamas, resulting in the deaths of around 600 Palestinians.

Why it’s important: Jews needed a safe haven, which is why Israel was established. It was a failure this past weekend since it was the worst attack on Jews in a single day since the Holocaust. There will certainly be significant shifts in perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Zooming out: Israel is a little nation with a population comparable to New Jersey and a land area about equal to New Hampshire. Everyone knows someone who knows a victim of terrorism when the number of victims is in the single digits. It is tough to imagine a thousand civilian deaths in such a nation. Israel currently has more fatalities than there were on 9/11 in the United States.


X is flooded with Israel–Hamas war misinformation

Here is what's going on: The Israel-Hamas conflict is shrouded in fog, and X has been behaving like a massive smoke machine. The social media platform, which was once the go-to source for real-time news updates, is now a hotspot of false information, according to researchers and professional fact-checkers. Numerous videos purportedly linked to the ongoing violence have been extensively shared without notice, despite some deceptive information being designated as such.

  • An Israeli assault on Gaza was depicted on camera in red bursts, but it turned out to be Algerian fireworks.

  • A film from the incredibly realistic computer game Arma 3 was posted online under the guise of an Israeli helicopter being shot down by Hamas, garnering hundreds of thousands of views.

Elon Musk, the owner of X, hasn't been very helpful in directing people to reliable sources, though. He suggested two accounts in a now-deleted message from this past weekend "for following the war in real-time." One of the identities has previously made antisemitic remarks, and both have circulated false information in the past (such as reports of an explosion near the White House that never occurred).

The reasons: According to experts, the app's changes following Musk's takeover have made it simpler for unconfirmed information to proliferate. Paying customers now get the blue checkmark that was previously only given to verified users and news organizations, and their material is also amplified.

This may help to explain how a now-suspended account posing as the Jerusalem Post was able to spread a lie about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being sick and garner over 700,000 views.

Others are not shocked that false information has persisted given that X sacked the majority of the staff members in charge of eradicating it.

On media:

  • If re-elected, President Trump promised to "make people happy" on both sides of the abortion controversy. Period Times

  • A significant speech on why "it's in the United States' interest" for Ukraine to win the war is anticipated by President Biden. The NBC News

  • The U.S. economy is very certain to enter a recession as markets anticipate higher interest rates for a longer period of time. The Financial Times

  • After claiming the DNC rigged the primary against him, RFK Jr. made an official announcement that he would be running as an independent for president. (PBS)

  • Reports from the scene of the massacre at the Israeli music event. (Read this)

  • China has been under fire for adopting a neutral posture toward Israel and for its initial statements that failed to mention the massacre. Chinese Talk

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