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  • Biden ordered the border states: no stopping migrants, no sending them away

Biden ordered the border states: no stopping migrants, no sending them away

Also, LGBT People Get Anti-Terrorism Funding

Today we’re covering:

  • 🚔 Biden disadvantages border states,

  • 💸 DHS funds LGBT "support" in schools,

  • And everything else you need to know.

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DHS finances an LGBT youth group that advocates for sex transitions and privacy with parents.

Here is what is going on: An activist group has received $530,000 from the Department of Homeland Security to provide "in-school support for LGBTQ+" youngsters as early as 6 years old in Montgomery County, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

The government's project: In order to support parents and caregivers, the government's project would include "training for school staff and youth service providers, resilience programming for LGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24, and support for parents and caregivers." When Upward News contacted the DHS for comment, they declined to clarify on any of this.

The activists: The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League established a Planned Parenthood facility that provides hormone therapy to adults while teaching "sexual health" lectures to kids 13 and above. SMYAL is a component of the Gender & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) Network, a bigger group that promotes hiding your child's involvement in GSA events from "unsupportive" parents.

Why it is important: The grant from the government is a component of a "Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program" that was established prior to Joe Biden's presidency, mostly in reaction to Islamic terrorism. Whether or not parents and taxpayers like it, the Biden administration has transformed it into another means of influencing kids toward LGBT ideology. According to the DHS, the "risk of violence and negative mental health outcomes" necessitates this award.

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Brief News

🚨 California may begin removing kids from their parents. In America, according to Governor Gavin Newsom, "no state supports local control and parental engagement like the state of California." However, he may soon approve laws allowing the state to remove children from the custody of parents who disagree with their gender transition. In 2022, Newsom declared California a "sanctuary" state for sex-change procedures on children.

📜 The governor of New Mexico suspended the Second Amendment. Under the guise of a "gun violence" public health emergency, New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham issued an executive order suspending weapon carry regulations in Albuquerque for 30 days. The governor even went so far as to say that the "emergency" scenario made the Second Amendment not "absolute." More than 100 New Mexicans carried weapons in public in Albuquerque in protest.

🤔 Migrants are lost in the hands of Homeland Security. According to a recent inspector general report, the Biden administration is missing the contact information for more than 177,000 illegal aliens that it allowed into the country. Additionally, the administration has misplaced records for at least 130,000 unaccompanied youngsters who were put in DHS-monitored families.

🔎 Federal authorities first became aware of Hunter Biden's business dealings in 2015. When Joe Biden was vice president in the spring of 2015, bank insiders raised concerns about Hunter Biden's dubious transactions. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission received the complaints. Although it's unclear how the agencies under Barack Obama handled the evidence, the FBI repeatedly took action to defend Hunter Biden at the conclusion of the Trump administration.


Biden ordered the border states: no stopping migrants, no sending them away

What is going on: The Biden administration is mulling a new plan that would make migrant families stay in Texas rather than move to other states while awaiting asylum processing, departing from its lax border rules. According to the plan, those migratory families would have to submit to GPS tracking.

Why it is important: Southwest border states have long been harmed by Biden's weak border policies. But Democratic leaders remained silent about the situation until Texas Governor Greg Abbott started busing new migrants to Democratic strongholds. With the new plan, blue cities whose policies exacerbate the problem will suffer less harm than red states.

Zoom in: Border states have constructed temporary buoy barriers and even a shipping container border wall in an effort to halt the migration crisis. Both Arizona and Texas were sued by the Justice Department of President Joe Biden for taking these acts, which prevented the states from resolving the situation.

The reason why: Biden is being blamed by both parties. Democrats from cities and states with blue populations have urged the administration to address the migrant situation effectively. Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York, and Maura Healey, the governor of Massachusetts, have all attributed Biden's record immigration figures. With his new plan, Biden would at least absolve the administration of Democratic criticism.

The next move: In Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, implementing Biden's plan may swiftly result in economic catastrophes for local governments, similar to those that Democratic states like Massachusetts and New York are already going through.

On media brief:

🏛️ The White House is using the fact that presidents never went to Pearl Harbor 22 years after the assault to defend Joe Biden's absence from 9/11 ceremonies this year.

💰 The Biden administration unfroze $6 billion in Iranian cash in exchange for the release of five Americans who were arrested in Iran.

🎾 After being disqualified from competition on numerous times due to his lack of vaccinations, Novak Djokovic has now won a record 24th Grand Slam title. Ironically, Djokovic won the U.S. Open sponsored by Moderna, and was recognized for his shot of the day.

📉 Elon Musk is apparently being held responsible by the New York Times for allegedly trying to lower engagement with the publication on X, formerly known as Twitter. A social media monitoring company claims that since July, engagement with the Times has decreased.

🦾 At a technological symposium next week, the Israeli prime minister and Elon Musk will talk about the significance of artificial intelligence.

💉 Both Moderna and Pfizer's updated COVID-19 vaccines received FDA approval. In order to precisely address a new wave of variations, the vaccinations have been modified.

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