Argentina now has its own Trump

Also, Hamas & Israel Ceasefire

Today we’re covering:

  • 🇦🇷 Argentina now has its own Trump

  • 📱 Hamas & Israel Ceasefire

  • 🇵🇸 The Palestinians’ opinion on Hamas

  • And everything else you need to know.

Media opinion podcast:
.🎤 Joe Biden Just Took One Unbelievable Action

.🎤  Donald Trump Sends GOP a Historic Demand

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Everything you need to know

🇵🇸 According to an Arabic poll, Palestinians continue to support Hamas. According to the Arab World for Research and Development, 76 percent of people in Gaza and the West Bank support Hamas, and 75 percent of them support the attack on Israel last month. Just 13% of respondents said they disagreed with the attack. Additionally, 98 percent of Palestinians had a "very negative" opinion of America, according to the poll.

💰 The Pentagon has failed an audit six times. In its existence, the Department of Defense has never approved an audit that was required by Congress, and this year is no exception. Since progress is moving so slowly, the Department of Defense (DOD) has asked Congress for $114 million for programs aimed at "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility," but it does not have a timeframe for passing an annual audit.

🗳️ Voting machines in Georgia are on trial. The case alleging malfunctions in Georgia's computerized voting equipment will go to a bench trial in January before federal Judge Amy Totenberg. In a decision this month, the Obama-appointed judge stated that the evidence "does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists." In order to increase election security, the lawsuit requests that the state go back to manually marking paper votes.

What has the media been talking about recently

Following attacks on the Al-Asad Airbase on Monday, the United States used airstrikes to eliminate at least three terrorists who were supported by Iran.

The Monday drone and missile strikes against Israel have been attributed to Hezbollah.

Trump boasted of his "excellent" health and "exceptional" cognitive exam results in a letter from his New Jersey doctor that he published online.

In the NYC mayoral election of 2024, former governor Andrew Cuomo may run against Mayor Eric Adams.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) advised the Department of Justice in a letter over "the legality" of a federal program that monitors Americans.

After Pride Month boycotts this summer, Target will have Christmas presents with LGBT themes this year.

The Board of Regents of Iowa has decided to discontinue diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs at state colleges if they are not required to comply with federal law.

In a recent case, Texas charges Pfizer with intentionally marketing ADHD medications that are useless.

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Argentina has its own Trump now

Here is what's going on: On the basis of an anti-establishment program, conservative with libertarian leanings Javier Milei of Argentina defeated center-leftist Sergio Massa, who was the minister of the economy.

  • The background? Argentina is experiencing a crisis due to a nearly 140% inflation rate, rising crime rates, and plummeting government approval ratings.

A veritable quote machine: Milei is as distinct a political character as they come, frequently drawn comparisons to Donald Trump. His trademark insults, such as "they will kill you" and "If you do not recite 'cool socialism' or if you are not woke, you are a danger to democracy," have helped him become well-known.

  • Get a dog if you want a friend: All five of Milei's canines are clones of his cherished dog Conan, who passed away in 2017.

Not simply in appearance: He intends to bring about significant changes in Argentina and his agenda is a unique blend of social conservatism and extreme libertarian economics.

  • Warrior against banks: Milei has said that he is "obsessed" with the central bank of Argentina, but it's not a romantic relationship. He has demanded its abolition, holding the bank accountable for the nation's high rate of inflation. On the other hand, even American libertarians such as Senator Rand Paul frequently advocate solely for an audit of the Federal Reserve.

  • Dollarization: Milei wants to make the dollar the official currency of Argentina, while some nations, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are searching for an alternative. The value of the Argentinian Peso has collapsed, falling 858 percent against the US dollar in the last five years.

  • The BRICS: Argentina's current president declared that his nation would be joining the alliance of nations known as "BRICS," which also includes China. Milei, though, has stated that's not the case. Rejecting it, he declared he "won't make deals with communists."

  • Social conservatism: Milei was against Argentina's 2020 abortion legalization. He has vowed to outlaw it once more, claiming that life begins at conception.

Why it’s important: It is no coincidence that the Brexit nationalist movement and former president Donald Trump were elected in the same year. Milei might cause a stir in a lately left-leaning South America. In line with Trump's circumstances in America, the current administration has also already charged him with crimes.


Israel's agreement: hostages in exchange for prisoners

Here is what's going on: Israel and Hamas agreed to end hostilities for four days beginning on Thursday morning, marking the end of a six-week battle. The agreement, mediated by Egypt, the United States, and Qatar, calls for Israel to free 150 Palestinian inmates and for Hamas to release the 50 hostages it captured on October 7.

The specifics: It's important to remember that 17 out of the 150 Palestinian detainees were found guilty of attempted murder, even though the inmates being released are all women and children. Some were found guilty of violent charges like throwing rocks at Israeli forces. For innocent abducted women and children, they were exchanged.

  • Context: In 2011, Israel exchanged one hostage Israeli soldier for the release of nearly 1,000 detainees, including hundreds of Hamas terrorists serving murder sentences. It demonstrated the lengths Israel would go to in order to free even one of its nationals, which would encourage more hostage-taking.

  • More: As per the agreement, the cessation of hostilities will last an extra day for every ten captives that Hamas releases.

Not the conclusion: The battle has not ended with this agreement. "We will continue the war until we achieve all our objectives: eliminate Hamas, return all of our abducted and missing persons, and ensure that there will be no element in Gaza that threatens Israel," declared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the ceasefire expired.

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