America’s Enemies & American Kids

Also, left-wing judges appointed by Biden

Today we’re covering:

  • 👮‍♀️ The left-wing judges appointed by Joe Biden

  • ⚠️ The extreme ideas of American kids

  • 🗳️ The Democrats support border restrictions

  • And everything else you need to know.

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.🎤 Donald Trump Warrant Exposes Biden’s Scheme

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Everything you need to know

🤝 Democrats are amenable to certain border controls. Amid a migration crisis, liberal politicians are less inclined to support border security. Congress is being urged by Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey to lighten their load through improved enforcement. As long as a proposal isn't "xenophobic," lawmakers like Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA) see room for compromise with the GOP on certain issues.

🤰 The attorney general of Arkansas blocks a measure that supports abortion. The ballot initiative that would have repealed the state's abortion restriction was turned down by activists when they asked Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin to certify it. Griffin pointed out several ambiguities in the legislation, such as the fact that any abortion would be permitted to safeguard a mother's "health." This ambiguous language is similar to the left's effective approach in Ohio this year.

🗳️ Return raises questions about election integrity in Pennsylvania. Earlier this month, voters in Northampton County, Virginia, noticed a problem that resulted in machines printing out different votes than what they had picked. Although officials claim it had no impact on election results, voting concerns in the battleground state still exist. Following 2020, state courts are also debating the legitimacy of mail-in voting systems.

⚖️ New York offers criminals a "clean slate." Some ex-offenders who don't commit crimes again for a predetermined period may be able to have their convictions sealed thanks to Gov. Kathy Hochul's new "Clean Slate Act." This gives the prisoners access to housing and employment. Since plea agreements are the norm in New York criminal cases, this rule will help those who were initially accused of crimes that were not supported by their records.

What has the media been talking about recently

The United States is being unlawfully invaded by rapists and sexual criminals, who are usually running from punishment in another nation, border officers warn.

More federal employees should be working in offices rather than from home, according to the White House's recommendation.

As the city reduces resources, the mayor of New York City claims that Washington "has abandoned us" to handle illegal immigration.

The Biden administration contends that because the government funds American industry to restock supplies, shipping equipment to Ukraine boosts the American economy.

Experts predict that by the following year, the United States will have lost one-third of its newspapers from 2005 due to the rapid demise of these publications.

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The extreme ideas of American kids

Here is what's going on: TikTok is frantically trying to remove recordings of its users—mostly young people—showing support for the man who carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks, which left over 3,000 people dead, countless others traumatized, and united Americans against Islamic terrorism.

The trend: The posts mostly revolve around the late Osama bin Laden's "letter to America," in which he justifies the attacks by citing American engagement in the Middle East along with other grievances. Videos depict viewers "rethinking" or even saying, "He was right," about America.

Why it’s important: Within a few generations, American ideals have undergone a significant transformation, which has resulted in Millennials and Generation Z feeling less patriotic. After fighting foreign foes that oppose freedom and democracy for decades, as it did after 9/11, the United States spent decades defending these values, only to watch as subversive ideologies spread domestically.

The Cultural Revolution: Throughout the 20th century, Marxist intellectuals from the Frankfurt School in Germany and other places established themselves in American institutions. As the U.S. military opposed communism throughout the world, academics covertly introduced left-wing ideologies such as "critical theory" and "privilege" into classrooms.

  • Quick advancement: In 1984, former Soviet propagandist Yuri Bezmenov issued a warning, claiming that "Marxist-Leninist ideas" had already permeated higher education. "They are being forced into the gullible minds of American pupils without any opposition or counterweight," he claimed.

Now: Surveys have repeatedly indicated that support for socialism has increased recently. Many academics, students, and campus organizations oppose capitalism and stand up for governments that have murdered millions of people. The term "critical theory" has evolved into critical race theory (CRT), which describes the United States as a white supremacist state that needs to be overthrown and erroneously connects slavery to the country's inception.

The Palestinian angle: A lot of left-wingers today consider the violence committed by Palestinians against Jews as a component of the worldwide struggle against oppressive, white, Western "colonialism." The youngsters responded favorably to Bin Laden's letter since it referred to the Palestinian plight and American support for Israel.

In summary, America has become more demoralized by the left's grip over institutions, particularly education, than by any of its previous opponents. Respect for the 9/11 terrorists follows naturally.


The left-wing judges appointed by Joe Biden

Here is what is going on: The 150th judicial candidate proposed by President Joe Biden was approved by the Democratic-controlled Senate last week. Thus far, the president has appointed people to 113 federal district court seats, 36 appeals court seats, and one Supreme Court position.

Why it’s important: With the power of the courts, activists have urged Biden to defend liberal policies on topics like abortion, voting limitations, race, the environment, LGBT concerns, and more. While Biden's rhetoric emphasizes merely adding "diversity" to the judiciary, legislators are fully aware of the electoral fallout.

A partisan struggle: Before Barack Obama's administration, the Senate would virtually always confirm lower-level judicial nominations with little opposition. Republicans have resisted Biden's selections in an unprecedented manner, managing to thwart a few of them by invoking a technical Senate rule.

Supporting his legal representatives: The president will currently have the biggest effect in appeals courts, which have the last word on the majority of well-known legal matters. This occurs as the Department of Justice uses hitherto unheard-of legal arguments to further its political objectives in court.

  • Transgenderism: Arguing that the Constitution safeguards them, the DOJ has assisted in suing conservative states that have outlawed child sex change treatments. Right-wing appointments to appeals courts have dismissed DOJ appeals, and a third is now considering the agency's appeal of an Arkansas ban.

  • Political adversaries: The Department of Justice (DOJ) is accusing former President Donald Trump and his followers of "obstruction" after they staged a demonstration at the U.S. Capitol, based on an odd and contentious interpretation of federal law. Twice now, an appeals court presided over by a Biden appointee has upheld the accusations.

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