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  • Emails Demonstrate the DOJ's control of the Hunter Biden prosecutor.

Emails Demonstrate the DOJ's control of the Hunter Biden prosecutor.

Also, pro-life and pro-choice under the DOJ

Today we’re covering:

  • 📧 Who is actually in charge of the Hunter Biden investigation?

  • 👶 Pro-life protesters on trial,

  • 🗽 Migrants are bankrupting NYC,

  • And everything else you need to know.

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How Illegal Immigration Could Bankrupt NYC In A Few Years

Here is what’s going on: By June 2025, New York City expects to have spent at least $12 billion on immigrant housing, food, and other necessities. And only if there isn't a big rise in unauthorized border crossings. Millions of taxpayer dollars are currently spent by the city each day to deal with the situation, and by 2027 it is expected to have a $40 billion deficit.

Why it is important: The situation cannot continue, says Mayor Eric Adams, who had hinted months ago that New York City would declare bankruptcy. The city's prolonged support of illegal immigrants will have a significant negative impact on the lives of legal citizens as it reduces financing for essential city services.

What lies ahead

More criminal activities: The flood of unscreened immigrants has already resulted in violence and drug abuse in a few of the facilities housing them. Gang members are reportedly housed in some places.

The housing crisis: The crisis will exacerbate the already severe homelessness issue in New York City. Some homeless persons have even engaged in physical conflict with newly arrived immigrants over scarce shelter space. Parents are upset because some people are being accommodated in school gyms since the city is at capacity.

Speaking of schools: "thousands and thousands" of new immigrant children are anticipated to enroll in them this autumn, many of whom will not speak English. Some schools allow children to enroll without the necessary immunizations, and one soon experienced a chickenpox outbreak.

  • Zoom in: The health commissioner claims that migration from nations with a high prevalence of the disease has resulted in greater rates of polio and tuberculosis throughout the city.

How we got here: The Big Apple spent years promoting itself as a "sanctuary city" committed to assisting immigrants to escape punishment for breaking the law and entering the country without authorization. It is becoming a top choice for these travelers as a result. Adams and other officials who are dealing with the surge are still refusing to ask President Joe Biden to tighten border security or increase deportations, which would lessen their load.


Emails demonstrate the DOJ's control of the Hunter Biden prosecutor.

The scoop: According to recently revealed emails, the Department of Justice coordinated prosecutor David Weiss's responses to letters worried Republicans wrote to him on his investigation into Hunter Biden earlier this year.

Further details: Republicans questioned Weiss' investigation's reliability and effectiveness in a letter they addressed to him in May. According to Weiss's communications, he was awaiting a response from the DOJ headquarters in Washington, D.C. After that, the office informed the congressmen that the DOJ would not respond to their inquiries. Weiss received an email from another D.C. office saying it would "take the lead on drafting a response" to a similar letter.

Why it is important: The emails are new proof that Weiss, who is currently acting as special counsel in Hunter's case, was not as independently working as the DOJ has stated, but rather was under constant supervision.

  • Case Protection: According to IRS whistleblower evidence, Weiss's deference to Biden's DOJ enabled the department to hinder the investigation and shield the president's son from significant charges.

Zooming out: The DOJ is fighting to clear its name amid growing claims that it shielded President Joe Biden and his son from investigation into their international business dealings. Weiss was given special counsel status by Attorney General Merrick Garland this month to give the appearance that the agency was pursuing Hunter aggressively. Republicans don't buy it and may try to have Garland removed from office.


DoJ's double standard is highlighted by the pro-life activists' trial.

Here is what’s going on: Five pro-life demonstrators are on trial for disrupting an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. last year that was thought to have committed infanticide. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act and civil rights laws were used by the Department of Justice to file charges against them and four other people for allegedly preventing mothers from entering the clinic. They risk penalties and a prison sentence of up to 11 years.

The clinic’s controversy: Medical professionals claim that last year, activists discovered bodies at the clinic of infants who looked to have been illegally aborted during or after birth. The top abortionist at the clinic was caught on camera saying that he would not attempt to preserve the life of an infant after a failed abortion, which is also against the law.

Why it is important: President Joe Biden's DOJ never declared an investigation into these conceivable criminal offenses, despite the evidence and demand from Congress. Instead, it promises to defend "reproductive rights" and has singled out scores of demonstrators outside of abortion clinics.

A system stacked against them: The five defendants stand before a jury in the capital city's overwhelmingly liberal district and a judge who openly supports abortion rights. They will be unable to mount a legal defense since the judge will not let them claim that their acts were taken to protect the lives of others, which would almost certainly result in a conviction.

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