BREAKING: President Joe Biden Just Got Caught on Live TV
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Even though Joe Biden is failing miserably on practically every policy that bears his name, he is doing an excellent job of dancing to the tune of those who are managing his administration on his behalf. Even if he keeps making mistakes and admitting the truth about his inadequacies, his fellow liberals continue to applaud him for the fantastic job that he is performing.
This is the guy who trips walking up the stairs, falls on stage while delivering speeches, calls key members of his administration by the wrong name, forgets what he was saying in the middle of a sentence, and is someone who almost forgot how to ride a bike. Every speech that he gives requires him to use a teleprompter, but now he’s been caught using a “ready reader” instead, making him look like an elementary school student giving a presentation.
Biden was once again featured prominently on the international stage during a news conference that he co-hosted with the Prime Minister of Australia. During the event, the pair fielded questions from four journalists: two from each of their respective nations. The press conference was orchestrated in such a way that Biden’s aides were able to dictate which reporters would ask the easy questions. The only thing that was required of President Biden was to look at the images, yell out a name, and gesture to the group of reporters.
Biden’s cheat sheet went unnoticed at the time, but the very next day, an image from the press conference began making the rounds online. In the picture, it appeared that the president was carrying a note card with the names and faces of the reporters. Reporters from USA Today, PBS, and two Australian news sites were among those who were favorable to the administration.
It would appear that PBS correspondent Laura Barrón-López did not receive advice from White House aides about asking softball questions, as she had a more animated conversation with President Biden regarding Hama.s. This most certainly caused the staff at the White House to become flustered.y.
How is it that the most powerful leader in the free world is required to have a cheat sheet with images and names, and even sometimes incoming questions, noted for him? Fox News contacted the White House as well as the four reporters who were specifically selected to inquire about the setup, but they did not provide any comment as was to be expected.
Biden’s need for assistance with press conferences dates all the way back to March 2021, when he held his very first official press conference in his capacity as president. He was observed clutching a card in his hand that had statistics and talking points in preparation for the news conference. It seems that this trend, in which someone other than the president prepares cheat sheets, will become the norm for the president moving ahead.